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Vol. 1, No. 1+2

Vol. 1, No. 3
of Private Law

Vol. 1, No. 4
of Criminal Law

Vol. 2, No. 1

Panos Koutrakos: The Reform of Common Rules on Exports of Dual-Use Goods under the Law of the European Union, pp. 167-189

Juliet Lodge: Making the Election of the European Parliament Distinctive: Towards E-Uniform Election Procedure, pp. 191-215

Francisco Javier Garcia-Golmar Fernandez: The 'Religious Issue' in Spanish Constitutional Law - Some Lessons in How to, and How Not to, Deal with the Freedom of Religion, pp. 217-239

Mark Attew: National Competition Law and the Preliminary Ruling Procedure, pp. 241-257

Olusoji O. Elias: Globalization, 'Law and Development', and Contemporary Africa, pp. 259-275

Lajos Vékás: Guiding Principles of the Comprehensive Reform of Hungarian Civil Law, pp. 277-287

Book Review:

Frank Emmert: Joseph J. Norton and Mads Andenas (eds.), Emerging Financial Markets and Secured Transactions, London/The Hague/Boston: Kluwer Law International (1998), pp. 289-292

Eduard L.H. de Wilde: Deficient European Legislation is in Nobody's Interest, pp. 293-319

Patricia Popelier: Legal Certainty and Principles of Proper Law Making, pp. 321-342

Alexandra Xanthaki: Indigenous Cultural Rights in International Law, pp. 343-367

Frédérique Dahan: Law Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: The 'Transplantation' of Secured Transactions Law, pp. 369-384

Book Reviews:

Frank Emmert: Ole Lando & Hugh Beale (eds), Principles of European Contract Law - Parts I and II - Combined and Revised, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International (2000), pp. 385-386

Frank Emmert: David Schultz (ed.), Leveraging the Law - Using the Courts to Achieve Social Change, New York: Peter Lang (1998), pp. 387-388

Frank Emmert: Petar Sarcevic and Paul Volken (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. I, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International - in association with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (1999), pp. 388-389

Michael Pfeifer & Jens Drolshammer: On the Way to a Globalized Practice of Law?, pp. 391-402

Detlev F. Vagts: The Impact of Globalization on the Legal Profession, pp. 403-414

David B. Wilkins: Why Global Law Firms Should Care
About Diversity: Five Lessons from the American Experience
, pp. 415-438

Robert Briner: Globalization and the Future of Courts of Arbitration, pp. 439-445

Markus U. Diethelm: Globalization and the Future of the International Practice of Law from a General Counsel's Perspective of a Multinational Enterprise - A Navigator of Management and Steward of the 'Future of Law'?, pp. 447-460

Alan Hodgart: Globalization and the Future of Inter-national Law Firms - The Perspective of a Management Consultant, pp. 461-490

Willem Calkoen: Globalization and the Future of the International Practice of Law from a European Perspective, pp. 491-503

Peter L. Murray & Jens Drolshammer: The Education and Training of a New International Lawyer, pp. 505-543

Outi Korhonen: International Lawyer: Towards Concep-tualization of the Changing World and Practice, pp. 545-555

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: The International Lawyer in Times of Cyberspace, pp. 557-566

Toni M. Fine: The Globalization of Legal Education in the United States, pp. 567-610

Sydney M. Cone, III: The Future Debate on Multidisci-plinary Practice in the United States, pp. 611-625

Günter Müller Stewens & Jens Drolshammer: Managing the International Law Firm: Nuisance or Necessity?, pp. 627-649

Julian Gresser: Strategic Alliance Mediation - Creating Value from Difference and Discord in Global Business, pp. 651-711

Jens Drolshammer: The Future Legal Structure of Inter-national Law Firms - Is the Experience of the Big Five in Structuring, Auditing and Consulting Organizations Relevant?, pp. 713-775

Vol. 2, No. 2

Vol. 2, No. 3

Vol. 2, No. 4
The Future of the Legal Profession


Vol. 3, No. 1


Vol. 3, No. 2


Vol. 3, No. 3
The Evolution of
Family Law

Vol. 3, No. 4

Frank Emmert: The Independence of Judges - a Concept Often Misunderstood in Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 405-409

Jacques Pelkmans: The Crucial Terms of EU Enlargement - Distinguishing the 'Core Acquis' from Less Urgent Requirements, pp. 411-425

Benjamin J. Richardson: Economic Instruments in UK Environmental Law Reform: Is the UK Government 'Sending the Right Signals'?, pp. 427-450

Maria O'Neill: A Critical Examination of the Legislative Processes and Practices Applied in the Implementation of Directive 91/308/EEC on Money Laundering and Regulation 3677/90/EEC on Psychotropic Substances in the Republic of Ireland, pp. 451-467

Siniša Petrović & Boris Štritof: Concentration Control in Croatia, pp. 469-495

Book Reviews:

William Burns: Christian von Bar, The Common European Law of Torts- Volume Two - Damage and Damages, Liability for and without Personal Misconduct, Causality, and Defences, Oxford: Clarendon Press (2000), pp. 497-498

Frank Emmert: Thomas M.J. Mö11ers, Die Rolle des Rechts im Rahmen der europäischen Integration, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (1999), pp. 498-500

Dita Sole: Helen Staples, The Legal Status of Third Country Nationals Resident in the European Union, The Hague et al.: Kluwer Law International (1999), pp. 500-502

Dita Sole: Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger and Jakob de Haan, European Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press (2000), pp. 502-504

Arturas Mickus: Richard Plender (ed.), European Courts Procedure, London: Sweet & Maxwell (2001), pp. 504-505

Vol. 4, No. 1
The Future of
International Civil
Procedure Law


Anton K. Schnyder: The Future of International Civil Procedure Law - Editorial, p. 1

Burkhard Heß: The Integrating Effect of European Civil Procedure Law, pp. 3-17

Reinhold Geimer: The Brussels Convention - Successful Model and Old-timer, pp. 19-35

Haimo Schack: The New International Procedure in Matrimonial Matters in Europe, pp. 37-56

Rolf A. Schütze: Lis Pendens and Related Actions, pp. 57-68

Gerhard Walter: Lis Alibi Pendens and Forum Non Conveniens: From Confrontation via Co-ordination to Collaboration, pp. 69-85

Pascal Grolimund: Human Rights and Jurisdiction: General Observations and Impact on the Doctrines of Forum Non Conveniens and Forum Conveniens, pp. 87-118

Laurent Killias: The Lugano Convention and its Relevance for Arbitration, pp. 119-133

Lajos Vékás: Hungary and the Lugano Convention, pp. 135-145

Helmut Heiss & Anna Suproń-Heidel: EU Enlargement: Aspects of (International) Procedural Law, pp. 147-164

Daniel Girsberger: The Internet and Jurisdiction Based on Contracts, pp. 165-183

Walter A. Stoffel: Place of Performance-Jurisdiction and Plaintiffs Interests in Contemporary Societies, pp. 185-198

Peter Gottwald: Jurisdiction Based on 'Business Activities' in the Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters, pp. 199-217

Samuel P. Baumgartner: The Proposed Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments: Where We Are and the Road Ahead, pp. 219-243

Book Reviews:

Maureen B. Fitzmahan: Klaus Peter Berger (ed.), The Practice of Transnational Law, The Hague: Kluwer Law International (2001), pp. 245-246

Frank Emmert: Jan Ramberg, International Commercial Transactions, 2nd ed., Paris: ICC Publishing SA (2000), pp. 246-247

Frank Emmert: Paul J. Omar (ed.), Procedures to Enforce Foreign Judgments, Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Co./Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (2002), pp. 247-248

Frank Emmert: Gerhard Walter/Samuel P. Baumgartner (eds.), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Outside the Scope of the Brussels
and Lugano Conventions, The Hague: Kluwer Law International (2000)
, pp. 249-250


Vol. 4, No. 2
The Financing of

Criminal and
Regulatory Law


Vol. 4, No. 3
Vol. 4, No. 4

Frank Emmert: The European Journal of Law Reform Has Found a New Publisher - Editorial, pp. 507-510

The Rt Hon The Lord Goldsmith QC: Parliament for Lawyers: An Overview of the Legislative Process - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 511-523

Arturas Mickus: Shortcomings of EU Antidumping Law and Policy, pp. 525-583

Michael Coester: Same-Sex Relationships: A Comparative Assessment of Legal Developments Across Europe, pp. 585-601

Christian Toggenburger: Financing Private Litigation - A European Alternative to Contingency Fees, pp. 603-627

Bruno Zeller: Determining the Contractual Intent of Parties under the CISG and Common Law - A Comparative Analysis, pp. 629-643

Book Reviews:

Dimiter Blyangov: David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization - Practice and Procedure, The Hague et al.: Kluwer Law International (1999), pp. 645-646

Frank Emmert: A Review of Recent Important Publications in the Area of European Competition Law

  • Peter M. Roth (ed.), Bellamy & Child - European Community Law of Competition, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 5th ed. (2001), pp. 647-648

  • Jonathan Faull and Ali Nikpay (eds), The EC Law of Competition, Oxford: Oxford University Press (1999), p. 649

  • Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin, EC Competition Law - Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2001), pp. 650-652

  • Simon Bishop and Mike Walker, The Economics of EC Competition Law - Concepts, Application and Measurement, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd ed. (2002), pp. 653-654

Vol. 5, No. 1+2

Anthony A. Tarr: Globalization, Comparative Law and Law Reform - Editorial, pp. 1-6

Lord Hope of Craighead: What a Second Chamber Can Do for Legislative Scrutiny - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 7-21


Boštjan M. Zupančič: Adjudication and the Rule of Law - 'Power of Logic' v. 'Logic of Power' - 'Rule of Law' v. 'Law and Order', pp. 23-126

Gülüm Bayraktaroğlu: Harmonization of Private Inter-national Law at Different Levels: Communitarization v. International Harmonization, pp. 127-172

Ieva Azanda: From Ex Ante to Ex Post Enforcement of Article 81: Efficiency, Legal Certainty and Community Enlargement, pp. 173-239

Lucy Khairy: Genetically Modified Organisms and International Trade: Precaution or Protectionism?, pp. 241-274

Michelle Bogre: TRIPS: The Polarized Debate - Does the World Need Internationally Enforceable Intellectual Property Rights?, pp. 275-292

Nadirsyah Hosen: The Habibie Government and the Law on Eradication of Corruption in Indonesia, pp. 293-321

Book Reviews:

Gabor Erdi: Karen J. Alter, Establishing the Supremacy ofEuropean Law: The Making of an International Rule of Law in Europe, Oxford University Press (2001), pp. 323-324

Maureen B. Fitzmahan: 

Vol. 5, No. 3+4

Sir Timothy Garden: The Future of European-American Relations - Editorial, pp. 329-334

Dita Sole: Services of General Economic Interest in the EU: A 50- Year-Battle Between Liberalization, Deregulation and Subsidiarity, pp. 335-408

Helen Xanthaki: Effective Judicial Protection at the National Level Against Breaches of EC Law: The Current Nightmare of Procedural Hurdles, pp. 409-446

Guðrún Bergsteinsdóttir: Positive Action Within the Field of Sex-Equality in the Context of EEA Law, pp. 447-483

Michael Tegethoff: State Street,, and the Proposal for an EU Directive on the Patentability of Computer-Implemented Inventions - A Comparison of Software Patentability in the United States and the European Union, pp. 485-510

Glenda Murphree: Does Anyone Care? Prison Overcrowding and Confinement Conditions in the United States and in Europe, pp. 511-542

Bruno S. Frey: Functional, Overlapping, Competing Jurisdictions: Redrawing the Geographic Borders of Administration, pp. 543-555

Hans Herbert von Arnim: Political Finance: Checks and Abuses - Current Problems and New Developments, pp. 557-581

Book Reviews: 

David Brandon McGinty: Alan Huffman, Mississippi in Africa: The Saga of the Slaves of Prospect Hill Plantation and Their Legacy in Liberia Today, New York: Gotham (2004), pp. 583-585

Robin Kundis Craig: Winston Harrington, Richard D. Mortgenstern, & Thomas Sterner (eds.), Choosing Environmental Policy: Comparing Instruments and Outcomes in the United States and Europe, Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future (2004), pp. 585-589

Vol. 6, No. 1+2
Vol. 6, No. 3+4
Bonum Commune

Vol. 7, No. 1+2
The Art of

Vol. 7, No. 3+4
Commercial Law

Kristin P. Dutton: Risky Business: The Impact of the CISG on the International Sale of Goods. A Guide for Merchants to Limit Liability and Increase Certainty Inside and Outside of the CISG, pp. 239-275

Edita Ubartaite: Application of the CISG in the United States, pp. 277-301

Christiana Fountoulakis: The Parties' Choice of 'Neutral Law' in International Sales Contract, pp. 303-329

Michael Frischkorn: Definitions of the Lex Mercatoria and the Effects of Codifications on the Lex Mercatoria's Flexibility, pp. 331-351

Ingeborg Schwenzer: The Noble Month (Articles 38, 39 CISG) - The Story Behind the Scenery, pp. 353-366

Sabrina Salewski: Is the Abolishment of Privity Necessary in Modern Warranty Law? A Comparative Analysis of the System in the US, the CISG, the European Union, and Germany, pp. 367-427

Nurzat Myrsalieva: Jurisdictional Challenges in Investor-State Arbitration: Analysis of Typical Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties, With Specific Reference to the Treaty Between the US and the Kyrgyz Republic, pp. 429-462

Silvija Aile: Parallel Trade in Pharmaceuticals: Reconsidering the Underlying European Community Policies - Commentary on the Opinion of AG Francis Jacobs in Case C-53/03 Bayer/Adalat, pp. 463-504

Carri Ginter: Free Movement of Goods and Parallel Imports in the Internal Market of the EU, pp. 505-524

Book Review:

Andrew Klein: Geoffrey Samuel, Cases and Materials on Torts, Lawmatters Publishing, Exeter (2006), pp. 525-527

Vol. 8, No. 1
XVIIth IACL Congress
on Comparative Law
Vol. 8, No. 2+3
EU Criminal Law
Vol. 8, No. 4
Vol. 9, No. 1
Vol. 9, No. 2
Vol. 9, No. 3
Approximation to
EU Law
Vol. 9, No. 4
Vol. 10, No. 1
Vol. 10, No. 2
The Art of
Vol. 10, No. 3
Vol. 10, No. 4
The Lisbon Reform Treaty
Vol. 11, No. 1
Vol. 11, No. 2
The Art of
Vol. 11, No. 3
Vol. 11, No. 4
Vol 12, No. 1+2
The Art of
Vol. 12, No. 3+4

Edward J. Alam: Does Business Ethics Need Religion?, pp.


Ying Chen: The Right to Food, pp. 158-208


Amos 0. Enabulele: Use of Force by International/Regio-nal Non-State Actors: No Armed Attack, No Self-Defence, pp. 209-229

Siniša Petrović & Tomislav Jakšić: The ECJ Ruling in Cartesio and Its Consequences on the Right of Establish-ment and Corporate Mobility in the European Union, pp. 230-296

Rilka Dragneva & Antoaneta Dimitrova: The Politics of Demand for Law: The Case of Ukraine's Company Law Reform, pp. 297-318

Mosa Sayed: The Accommodation of Minority Customs in Sweden - The Islamic Law of Inheritance as an Example, pp. 319-339

Christie A. Linskens Christie: What Critiques Have Been Made of the Socratic Method in Legal Education? The Socratic Method in Legal Education: Uses, Abuses and Beyond, pp. 340-355

Amy Lai: Women Can and Should Have It Both Ways - Finding a Balance Between the EU's New Law on Maternity Leave and American Maternity Provisions, pp. 356-372

Tanel Kerikmae & Katrin Nyman-Metcalf: Karlsruhe v. Lisbon An Overture to a Constitutional Dialogue from an Estonian Perspective, pp. 373-387

Josep M. Bech Serra: When the Package Holiday is Not Realized - A Piece of EU Consumer Law under Review, pp. 388-403

Tzena Mayersak: Examining the Use of Arbitration and Dealing with Decedent's Wishes in Wills, Trusts and Estates, pp. 404-415

Esther Majambere: Bicameralism or Unicameralism - The Case of the United Kingdom and Uganda, pp. 416-425

Kadija Kabba: Legislatures in Modern States: The Role of the Legislature in Ensuring Good Governance Is Inadequate - A Case Study of the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone, pp. 426-435

Book Review

Shawn Boyne: T. Spronken, G. Vermeulen, D. de Vocht and L. van Puyenbroeck, EU Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings, Maklu Publishers (2009), pp. 436-438

Vol. 13, No. 1
WG Hart Issue
on Constitutional
Law in Theory 
and Practice

Constantin Stefanou: WG Hart Workshop - Comparative Perspectives on Constitutions in Theory and Practice - Editorial, p. 3

Barry Sullivan: Methods and Materials in Constitutional Law - Some Thoughts on Access to Government Information as a Problem for Constitutional Theory and Socio-Legal Studies, pp. 4-30

Cesare Pinelli, The Combination of Negative with Positive Constitutionalism in Europe - The Quest of a 'Just Distance' between Citizens and the Public Power, pp. 31-39

David Marrani: The Importance of the Symbolic Role of the Head of State, pp. 40-58

Mariusz Jerzy Golecki: The European Law from Grundnorm towards the Cathedral - Constitutional Features of a Complex Legal System, pp. 59-79

Gábor Attila Tóth: From Uneasy Compromises to Democratic Partnership - The Prospects of Central European Constitutionalism, pp. 80-96

Ioannis Glinavos: Investor Protection v. State Regulatory Discretion - Definitions of Expropriation and Shrinking Regulatory Competence, pp. 97-114

Alfred E. Kellermann: Comparative Aspects on Constitutions - Theory and Practice, pp. 115-129

Riddhi Dasgupta: Competing Constitutional Ideals in the United States' Force Majeure-Federalism Cases - Calling the Shots in Disaster Management, pp. 130-156

Allan F. Tatham: In the Judicial Steps of Bolívar and Morazán? Supranational Court Conversations Between Europe and Latin America, pp. 157-171

Davit Zedelashvili: The Problems and Promises of a Legal Constitution - The Constitutional State and History, pp. 172-194

Vol. 13, No. 2
The Art of
Vol. 13, No. 3+4
African Conference
on International
Commercial Law

Ingeborg Schwenzer: African Conference on International
Commercial Law - Editorial
, pp. 341-343


International Sales Law

Joseph Issa Sayegh: La vente commerciale en droit OHADA: apports et emprunts, pp. 344-359

S.K. Date-Bah: The Case for Accession to, or Ratifica-tion of, the Vienna United Nations Convention on the
International Sale of Goods 1980 by African States
, pp. 360-369

Ingeborg Schwenzer: Regional and Global Unification of Sales Law, pp. 370-379

Jan Ramberg: INCOTERMS 2010, pp. 380-387

International Commercial Arbitration

Jason Fry: Arbitration and Promotion of Economic Growth
and Investment
, pp. 388-396

Gaston Kenfack Douajni: L'internationalité de l'arbitrage OHADA, pp. 397-412

Christa Roodt: Autonomy and Due Process in Arbitration -
Recalibrating the Balance
, pp. 413-434

Unification of Contract Law

Stefan Vogenauer: Unification of General Contract Law in Africa - The Case of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, pp. 435-440

Mbissane Ngom: Propos impertinents sur l'unification du droit général des contrats, pp. 441-450

Riekie Wandrag: Unification of Southern African Contract Law, pp. 451-461

Claire Moore Dickerson: OHADA's Proposed Uniform Act on Contract Law - Formal Law for the Informal Sector, pp. 462-478

The Future of International Sales Law in Africa

Luca G. Castellani: International Trade Law Reform in Africa - A Call for Action, pp. 479-487

Frédérique Mestre: Promouvoir le droit commercial international en Afrique - La contribution d'UNIDROIT, pp. 488-504

Stephen Agaba: The Future of International Commercial Law in East Africa, pp. 505-513

Young Researchers

Sylvie Bebohi: Les avantages comparatifs des Règlements
, pp. 514-528

Song Lianbin & Sophia Juan Yang: Chinese Judicial Methodologies to Determine the Validity of Arbitration Agreements - "Arbitration in Hong Kong and English Law to Apply" as an Example, pp. 529-539

Enga Kameni: Making a Case for an OHADA Corporate
Governance Principles-Based Regime
, pp. 540-549

Nnaemeka Ewelukwa: Is Africa Ready for Electronic Commerce? - A Critical Appraisal of the Legal Framework for E-commerce in Africa, pp. 550-576

Ousmane Bougouma: La libre circulation des marchandises dans l'Union Européenne et dans L'UEMOA - Approche comparative sous un angle commercial, pp. 577-599

Gurvan Branellec: L'uniformité du droit du contrat de transport international de marchandises par mer, pp. 600-613

Quingxui Bu: Danone v. Wahaha: Who Laughs Last?, pp. 614-628

Pascal Hachem: The Future of Agreed Sums Payable upon Breach of an Obligation, pp. 629-639

Vol. 14, No. 1
Vol. 14, No. 2+3
The Art of
Vol. 14, No. 4
Vol. 15, No. 1

Vol. 15, No. 2
Law Reform
in Brazil


Jones Figueiredo Alves, J., Paulo Rosenblatt & Ailton Alfredo de Souza, J.: Special Issue on Brazilian Law Reform - Editorial, pp. 3-5

​Eugênia Cristina Nilsen Ribeiro Barza: Brazil and International Agreements, pp. 6-19

Gustavo Ferreira Santos: Treaties X Human Rights Treaties - A Critical Analysis of the Dual Stance on Treaties in the Brazilian Legal System, pp. 20-33

Paul Hugo Weberbauer: The Controversy Surrounding Article 9 of the Law That Defines How Brazilian Laws Are
Applied - The Difficult Path to Reform of Private International Law Legislation in Brazil
, pp. 34-50

Marcelo Labanca Corrêa de Araújo & Glauco Salomão Leite: Federalist Distortions in the Organization of the
Legislative Branch of Brazilian Government
, pp. 51-65

Rafael Cavalcanti Lemos: Judicial Delegation of Administrative Acts During the Execution Phase or Execution Process - The Application of the Constitu-tional Principle of Efficiency, Under the Inspiration of Recent Portuguese Law Reforms, pp. 66-90

Cherie Booth & Helen Xanthaki: Editorial, pp. 93-94​

Helen Xanthaki: Legislative Techniques in Rwanda -Present and Future, pp. 95-176

Mico Augustin: The Drafter's Role in the Drafting Process, pp. 177-205

Elias Turatsinze: The Pursuit of Clarity, Precision and
Unambiguity in Drafting Retrospective Legislation
, pp. 206-236

Odethie Birunga: Statutory Interpretation in Multi-lingual Jurisdictions, pp. 237-266

​Charles Aguma: The Principle of Ultra Vires and the Local Authorities' Decisions in England, pp. 267-298

Samuel Ngirinshuti: Use of Legislative Section Headings to Achieve Effectiveness: Comparative Study of Rwandan
and Australian Jurisdictions
, pp. 299-330

Vol. 15, No. 3
Law Reform
in Rwanda
Vol. 15, No. 4
The Art of
Vol. 16, No. 1
Vol. 16, No. 2
Islamic Law

Frank Emmert: Special Issue on Islamic Law - Editorial, pp. 209-211

Issam Saliba: The Place of Shariah Among the Legal Systems of the World, pp. 212-220

Salma Taman: An Introduction to Islamic Law, pp. 221-246

A.T. Shehu: Democracy, Constitutionalism and Shariah -
The Compatibility Question
, pp. 247-273

Mohamed Y. Mattar: Human Rights in Islamic Law, Specifically the Guarantee of Procedural Justice, pp. 274-302

Omar Alsunaid & Bashar Almofadda: Women's Rights in the Islamic Perspective, pp. 303-316

Aishath Muneeza: Appointment of Female Judges in Muslim
, pp. 317-328

Anthony Gray: The Manifestation of Religious Belief Through Dress - Human Rights and Constitutional Issues, pp. 329-352

Ujala Akram: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and
Islam - A Review of Laws Regarding 'Offences Relating to Religion' in Pakistan from a Domestic and International Law Perspective
, pp. 353-376

Majed M. Alzahrani: The System of Kafala and the Rights of Migrant Workers in GCC Countries - With Specific
Reference to Saudi Arabia
, pp. 377-400

Julie Malingreau: International Kafala: A Right for the Child to Enter and Stay in the EU Member States?, pp. 401-429

Andrea Büchler & Eveline Schneider Kayasseh: Medically Assisted Reproduction in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - Sunni and Shia Legal Debates, pp. 430-464

Mohamed A. 'Arafa: Islamic Policy of Environmental Conservation - 1,500 Years Old, Yet Thoroughly Modern, pp. 465-504

Mahmood Bagheri, Mojtaba Nayyer & Mahdi Moalla:  Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Under
Islamic Law - From Tort to Special Privileges
, pp. 505-520

Book Reviews:

Frank Emmert & Salma Taman: Introductions to Islamic Law for Students and Beginners and Noteworthy Examples of More Specialised Books for More Advanced Readers, pp. 521-530

Vol. 16, No. 3
Law and Language
Vol. 16, No. 4
The Euro Crisis
Vol. 17, No. 1
Vol. 17, No. 2
Family Law Reform

Katharina Boele-Woelki: Introduction, p. 215

Christine Budzikiewicz & Machteld Vonk: Legal Motherhood and Parental Responsibility - A Comparative Study on the Tensions between Scientific Knowledge, Social Reality and Personal Identity, pp. 216-231

Christina G. Jeppesen de Boer & Annette Kronborg: The Incorporation of Intentional Parentage by Female Same-Sex Couples into National Parentage Laws - A Comparison between Danish and Dutch Law, pp. 232-246

Denise Amram: Pursuing the Best Interest of Children in Non-Traditional Families - A Comparative Overview, pp. 247-256

Stefanie Sucker: To Recognize or Not to Recognize? That Is the Question! - Motherhood in Cross-Border Surrogacy Cases, pp. 257-270

Susanne Burri: Care in Family Relations - The Case of Surrogacy Leave, pp. 271-281

Marjolein van den Brink, Philipp Reu & Jet Tigchelaar: Out of the Box? Domestic and Private
International Law Aspects of Gender Registration - A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the Netherlands
, pp. 282-293

Kelly-Anne Cleophas & Usang Maria Assim: Child Participation in Family Law Matters Affecting Children in South Africa, pp. 294-304

Maximilian Strutz & Evelien Verhagen: The Minor in Divorce-Related Judicial Proceedings in the Netherlands and Germany - Rights to a Special Representative and to Be Heard in Person, pp. 305-316

Lucyline Nkatha Murungi: Consolidating Family Law in Kenya, pp. 317-328

Pablo Quinzá Redondo: Spanish Matrimonial Property Regimes and CEFL Principles Regarding Property Relations
between Spouses - Common Core and Better Law
, pp. 329-340

Jacqueline Gray: Identifying the Impetus behind the
Europeanization of the Private International Law Rules on Family Matters and Succession
, pp. 341-351

Ian Curry-Sumner & Maria Wright: Article 15 Brussels II-bis - Two Views from Different Sides of the Channel, pp. 352-365

Vol. 17, No. 3
The Art of
Vol. 17, No. 4
Vol. 18, No. 1
Space Law

George D. Kyriakopoulos: Editorial, pp. 3-5

Tare Brisibe: Parliamentary Diplomacy in the United Nations and Progressive Development of Space Law, pp. 6-34

Steven Freeland: Peaceful Purposes? Governing the Military Uses of Outer Space, pp. 35-51

Marco Ferrazzani: The European Space Agency as a European Institution and a Space Law Maker, pp. 52-65

Jan Wouters, Philip De Man & Rik Hansen: Space Debris Remediation, Its Regulation and the Role of Europe, pp. 66-85

Ram S. Jakhu & Yaw Otu Mankata Nyampong: Some Legal Aspects of Space Natural Resources, pp. 86-104

Michael Chatzipanagiotis: Criminal Issues in International Space Law, pp. 105-119

Vol. 18, No. 2
Vol. 18, No. 3

Jonathan Teasdale: Prologue: The IALS Law Reform Project, pp. 253-263


Fabio Pacini: The Italian 'Legislation-Cutting' Tool, pp. 264-274

Enrico Albanesi: The Mechanisms Used to Review Existing Legislation in the Civil Law System - Case Study Italy, pp. 275-295

William Robinson: Managing the EU Acquis, pp. 296-319

Olga Jović-Prlainović & Jelena Belović: Prohibition of Discrimination - Citizenship as a Possible Discrimi-nation Basis, pp. 320-338

Vol. 18, No. 4
Vol. 19, No. 1+2
Better Regulation
Vol. 19, No. 3
Vol. 19, No. 4
Better Codification
Vol. 20, No. 1
Robert Seidman
Memorial Issue
Vol. 20, No. 2+3
Application of the
EU Bill of Rights
in the Member States


Csongor István Nagy: The EU Bill of Rights' Diagonal Application to Member States - Comparative Perspectives of Europe's Human Rights Deficit - Editorial, pp. 3-9


Gabor Halmai: The Application of European Constitutional Values in EU Member States - The Case of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, pp. 10-34


Marie-Pierre Granger: Federalization Through Rights in the EU - A Legal Opportunities Approach, pp. 35-55

Filippo Fontanelli & Amedeo Arena: The Harmonization Potential of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union
, pp. 56-77

Koen Lemmens: The Margin of Appreciation in the ECtHR's Case Law - A European Version of the Levels of Scrutiny Doctrine?, pp. 78-96

Renáta Uitz & András Sajó: The Sovereign Strikes Back - A Judicial Perspective on Multi-Layered Constitutiona-lism in Europe, pp. 97-119

Kenneth R. Stevens: Perspectives on Comparative Federalism - The American Experience in the Pre-Incorporation Era, pp. 120-128

Lee J. Strang: Incorporation Doctrine's Federalism Costs - A Cautionary Note for the European Union, pp. 129-148

Howard Schweber: The Architecture of American Rights Protections - Texts, Concepts and Institutions, pp. 149-180

Barry Sullivan: Three Tiers, Exceedingly Persuasive Justifications, and Undue Burdens - Searching for the Golden Mean in US Constitutional Law, pp. 181-240

Brett G. Scharffs: Trinity Lutheran and Its Implications for Federalism in the United States, pp. 241-258

Nicholas Aroney & James Stellios: Rights in the Australian Federation, pp. 259-269

Vol. 20, No. 4
Vol. 21, No. 1
Vol. 21, No. 2

Franklin De Vrieze: Editorial, pp. 85-86

Tom Caygill: A Tale of Two Houses? Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the UK Parliament, pp. 87-101

Jonathan Murphy & Svitlana Mishura: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in a Non-Westminster Parliament - Oppor-tunities, Challenges and Considerations, pp. 102-117

Elena Griglio: Post-Legislative Scrutiny as a Form of Executive Oversight - Tools and Practices in Europe, pp. 118-136

Davor Jancic: Better Regulation and Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the European Union, pp. 137-153

Luka Glušac: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Post-Legislative Scrutiny, pp. 154-168

Charles Chauvel: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in New Zealand - A Focus on Delegated Legislation, pp. 169-173

Elisabete Azevedo-Harman & Ricardo Godinho Gomes: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Law Against Gender-Based Violence - The Successful Story of the Cabo Verde Parliament, pp. 174-178

Francis A. Aywa & Gabriel K. Ndung'u: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in a Decentralized Setting - Opportunities from Alcoholic Drinks Regulation in Kenya, pp. 179-184

Gitta Zacharia: Post-Legislative Scrutiny and Its Impact on Legislative Oversight in Uganda Parliament, pp. 185-188

Victoria Hasson: Establishing a Legislative Scrutiny Framework - The Case of Delegated Legislation in the Parliament of South Africa, pp. 189-193

Yirah Mansaray: An Assessment of Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the Parliament of Sierra Leone, pp. 194-199

José Luis Rufas Quintana & Irmgard Anglmayer: Retrospective Policy Evaluation at the European Parliament, pp. 200-209

Annex: Championing Parliamentary Oversight - The London Declaration on Post-Legislative Scrutiny, pp. 210-213

Vol. 21, No. 3
Perspectives on

Vol. 21, No. 4


Vol. 22, No. 1
Gender and the Law

Remaining issues and download links coming soon...

Vol. 22, No. 2
Scrutiny of Law
Vol. 22, No. 3
Vol. 22, No. 4
Covid and
Vol. 23, No. 1

Hatem Mabrouk: Beyond Speculation - The Transformative Power of Blockchain Technology in Various Industries, pp. 3-26

Frank Emmert: The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in the United States of America, pp. 27-122

Maurice van Oosten & Laurens Hillen: MiCA: The Introduction of an EU-wide Regulatory Framework for Cryptoassets, pp. 123-142

Ying Chen & Michael Adams: The Regulation of Digital Currency in China - Past, Present, and Future, pp. 143-160

Marcel Hostettler & Piotr  Wojtowicz: The Swiss Association as a Legal Wrapper for a Global DAO and vis-à-vis the MiCA Regime, pp. 161-172

James Burnie & Meghan Millward: The United Kingdom Cryptoasset Regulatory Framework, pp. 173-183

To Van Hoa & To Vu Nhat Minh: Cryptocurrency Regulation in a Robust Market - The Vietnamese Approach, pp. 184-193

Nivedita Pundale: The Crypto Regime in India: A Confused Policy, pp. 194-213

Douglas J. Pepe, Marvin J. Lowenthal & Randall W. Bryer: Property Rights in Blockchain Assets: Emerging Issues from a U.S. Perspective, pp. 214-226

Adam Kashin: Wyoming’s DAO Statutes - A Model for Wider Adoption, pp. 227-244

Rick Tapia, Andrew Bull & Tyler Harttraft: DAO Regulation and Legislation, pp. 245-256


Kaleb Britton: NFTs - The Regulatory Response and the Current and Future Legal Status, pp. 257-269


Mihnea Constantinescu: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Innovation Transcending Public Money, pp. 270-298

Vol. 25, No. 1+2
Blockchain Law
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