Vol. 1, No. 1+2
Editorial: Taking Law Reform Seriously, pp. 1-2
Sir Robert Jennings: Law Reform, A New Idea for Inter-national Lawyers, pp. 3-5
Alfred E. Kellermann: Proposals for Improving the Quality of European and National Legislation, pp. 7-30
Peter Schlechtriem: Towards a European Law - The Con-tribution of Law Faculties to Reform and Unification of European Private Law, pp. 31-57
Boštjan M. Zupančič: From Combat to Contract: 'What Does the Constitution Constitute?', pp. 59-95
Carol S. Bruch: The Hague Child Abduction Convention: Past Accomplishments, Future Challenges, pp. 97-118
Jan-Hendrik Röver: An Approach to Legal Reform in Central- and Eastern Europe: The European Bank's Model Law on Secured Transactions, pp. 119-135
Andreas R. Ziegler: Is the World Trade Organization in Need of Ecological Reform? A Close Look at the Existing Proposals by the European Parliament, pp. 137-152
Irene Grassi: The Reform of Italian Private International Law, pp. 153-162
Ardo H. Hansson: Comprehensive Pension Reform in Estonia, pp. 163-166
Ludger Radermacher: The Stanford Programme in Inter-national Legal Studies (SPILS) - An Alternative to the 'Classic' LL.M. Programme, pp. 167-173
Book Review:
Markus Müller-Chen: Hein Kötz, Gültigkeit und Inhalt des Vertrages, die Beteiligung Dritter am Vertrag (Vol. I), Hein Kötz and Alex Flessner, Europäisches Vertrags-recht, Tübingen (J.C.B. Mohr (ed.)) (1996), pp. 175-177
Vol. 1, No. 3
of Private Law
Pierre Widmer: The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law: Shipyard for World-Wide Unification of Private Law, pp. 181-192
Michael J. Bonell: The UNIDROIT Principles: First Practical Experiences, pp. 193-202
Frank Vischer: The Relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles for Judges and Arbitrators in Disputes Arising out of International Contracts, pp. 203-216
Franco Ferrari: General Principles and International Uniform Commercial Law Conventions: A Study of the 1980 Vienna Sales Convention and the 1988 UNIDROIT Conventions on International Factoring and Leasing and the UNIDROIT Principles, pp. 217-241
Anton K. Schnyder & Ralf M. Straub: The Conclusion of a Contract in Accordance with UNIDROIT Principles, pp. 243-268
Ernst A. Kramer: Contractual Validity According to the UNIDROIT Principles, pp. 269-288
Ingeborg Schwenzer: Specific Performance and Damages According to the 1994 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, pp. 289-303
Peter Schlechtriem: Termination and Adjustment of Contracts, pp. 305-323
Mark Pieth: European Efforts to Harmonize Legislation Against Economic Crime, pp. 395-397
Nikos Passas: Globalization, Criminogenic Asymmetries and Economic Crime, pp. 399-423
Petrus C. van Duyne: VAT Fraud and the Policy of Global Ignorance, pp. 425-443
Ulrich Sieber: Memorandum on a European Penal Code, pp. 445-471
Mireille Delmas-Marty & stefano Manacorda: Le Corpus Juris: Un Chantier Ouvert dans la Construction du Droit Pénal Économique Européen, pp. 473-500
Barry Rider: The Crusade Against Money Laundering - Time to Think!, pp. 501-525
Mark Pieth: The Harmonization of Law Against Economic Crime, pp. 527-545
Vol. 1, No. 4
of Criminal Law
Vol. 2, No. 1
Jutta Limbach: The Effects of Judgments of the German Federal Constitutional Court, pp. 1-9
Dieter Henrich: The Reform of German Child and Parent Law on the Background of European Legal Development, pp. 11-26
Ulrich Ernst: Lobbying and Competition Law, pp. 27-60
Russel B. Sunshine: Technical Assistance for Law Reform: Co-operative Strategies for Enhancing Quality and Impact, pp. 61-93
Maria Dakolias & Javier Said: Judicial Reform: A Process of Change through Pilot Courts, pp. 95-117
Stefani Bär & Silke Albin: The Environmental Guarantee on the Rise - The Amended Article 95 after the Revision through the Treaty of Amsterdam, pp. 119-134
Christa Tobler: Sex Equality Law under the Treaty of Amsterdam, pp. 135-153
Toshiyuki Kono: Recent Trends in Japanese Civil Procedure Reform of the Code of Civil Procedure, pp. 155-164
Book Review:
Ingeborg Schwenzer: van Gerven, Lever, Larouche, von Bar, Viney, Tort Law - Scope of Protection, Common Law of Europe Casebooks, Oxford (UK): Hart Publishing (1998), pp. 165-166
Panos Koutrakos: The Reform of Common Rules on Exports of Dual-Use Goods under the Law of the European Union, pp. 167-189
Juliet Lodge: Making the Election of the European Parliament Distinctive: Towards E-Uniform Election Procedure, pp. 191-215
Francisco Javier Garcia-Golmar Fernandez: The 'Religious Issue' in Spanish Constitutional Law - Some Lessons in How to, and How Not to, Deal with the Freedom of Religion, pp. 217-239
Mark Attew: National Competition Law and the Preliminary Ruling Procedure, pp. 241-257
Olusoji O. Elias: Globalization, 'Law and Development', and Contemporary Africa, pp. 259-275
Lajos Vékás: Guiding Principles of the Comprehensive Reform of Hungarian Civil Law, pp. 277-287
Book Review:
Frank Emmert: Joseph J. Norton and Mads Andenas (eds.), Emerging Financial Markets and Secured Transactions, London/The Hague/Boston: Kluwer Law International (1998), pp. 289-292
Eduard L.H. de Wilde: Deficient European Legislation is in Nobody's Interest, pp. 293-319
Patricia Popelier: Legal Certainty and Principles of Proper Law Making, pp. 321-342
Alexandra Xanthaki: Indigenous Cultural Rights in International Law, pp. 343-367
Frédérique Dahan: Law Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: The 'Transplantation' of Secured Transactions Law, pp. 369-384
Book Reviews:
Frank Emmert: Ole Lando & Hugh Beale (eds), Principles of European Contract Law - Parts I and II - Combined and Revised, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International (2000), pp. 385-386
Frank Emmert: David Schultz (ed.), Leveraging the Law - Using the Courts to Achieve Social Change, New York: Peter Lang (1998), pp. 387-388
Frank Emmert: Petar Sarcevic and Paul Volken (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. I, The Hague/London/Boston: Kluwer Law International - in association with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (1999), pp. 388-389
Michael Pfeifer & Jens Drolshammer: On the Way to a Globalized Practice of Law?, pp. 391-402
Detlev F. Vagts: The Impact of Globalization on the Legal Profession, pp. 403-414
David B. Wilkins: Why Global Law Firms Should Care
About Diversity: Five Lessons from the American Experience, pp. 415-438
Robert Briner: Globalization and the Future of Courts of Arbitration, pp. 439-445
Markus U. Diethelm: Globalization and the Future of the International Practice of Law from a General Counsel's Perspective of a Multinational Enterprise - A Navigator of Management and Steward of the 'Future of Law'?, pp. 447-460
Alan Hodgart: Globalization and the Future of Inter-national Law Firms - The Perspective of a Management Consultant, pp. 461-490
Willem Calkoen: Globalization and the Future of the International Practice of Law from a European Perspective, pp. 491-503
Peter L. Murray & Jens Drolshammer: The Education and Training of a New International Lawyer, pp. 505-543
Outi Korhonen: International Lawyer: Towards Concep-tualization of the Changing World and Practice, pp. 545-555
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: The International Lawyer in Times of Cyberspace, pp. 557-566
Toni M. Fine: The Globalization of Legal Education in the United States, pp. 567-610
Sydney M. Cone, III: The Future Debate on Multidisci-plinary Practice in the United States, pp. 611-625
Günter Müller Stewens & Jens Drolshammer: Managing the International Law Firm: Nuisance or Necessity?, pp. 627-649
Julian Gresser: Strategic Alliance Mediation - Creating Value from Difference and Discord in Global Business, pp. 651-711
Jens Drolshammer: The Future Legal Structure of Inter-national Law Firms - Is the Experience of the Big Five in Structuring, Auditing and Consulting Organizations Relevant?, pp. 713-775
Vol. 2, No. 2
Vol. 2, No. 3
Vol. 2, No. 4
The Future of the Legal Profession
Beat Sitter-Liver: On Power and Responsibility in Science and Academia, pp. 1-27
Stephan Anagnost: Meeting the Needs in Central Europe and the Baltics: Some Preliminary Lessons Learned
from the Successes and Failures of Three Years
of Asylum System Development Work in Europe, pp. 29-49
Stephan Anagnost: The Challenge of Providing High Quality, Low Cost Legal Aid for Asylum Seekers and
Refugees: Students on the Frontline of Refugee Protection, pp. 51-66
Alice Clapman: The Clinical Revolution: How Asylum Law
Clinics Can Influence National Policy and Practices in Transitional Democracies, pp. 67-75
Dita Sole: The Reform of Latvian Civil and Commercial Law, pp. 77-87
Tim Lindsey: Unraveling the New Order? Recent Develop- ments in Indonesian Law Reform, pp. 89-101
Dorte Frandsen: International Moot Courting - Learning
European Law in a Different Setting, pp. 103-108
Book Review:
Frank Emmert: Eric Heinze and Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Landmark Cases in International Law,
London/The Hague/Boston, Kluwer Law International (1998), pp. 109-110
Vol. 3, No. 1
Vol. 3, No. 2
Helen Xanthaki: The Duties of Lawyers Under the Draft European Union Money Laundering Directive: Is Confi-dentiality a Thing of the Past?, pp. 111-129
Daniel Dobrovoljec & Katrin Nyman-Metcalf: Enlargement of the European Union - a Regatta with Moving Goal Posts?, pp. 131-147
Talia Einhorn: The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: The Law Reform Perspective, pp. 149-161
Elsabe Klinck: It Takes Three to Tango: The Right to Equality, Social Security and Constitutional Law in South Africa, pp. 163-187
Book Reviews:
Frank Emmert: Joseph H.H. Weiler (ed.), The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA - Towards a Common Law of International Trade, Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press (2000), pp. 189-192
Frank Emmert: David O'Keeffe and Patrick Twomey (eds.), Legal Issues of the Amsterdam Treaty, Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing (1999), pp. 193-197
Vol. 3, No. 3
The Evolution of
Family Law
Ingeborg Schwenzer: The Evolution of Family Law - From Status to Contract and Relation - Editorial, pp. 199-202
Monika Hinteregger: The Austrian Matrimonial Law - a Patchwork Pattern of History, pp. 203-219
Nina Dethloff: Reform of German Family Law - a Battle against Discrimination, pp. 221-241
Jacqueline Rubellin-Devichi: L'état de la réforme du droit français de la famille en 2001, pp. 243-274
Andrea Büchler: Family Law in Switzerland: Recent Reforms and Future Issues - an Overview, pp. 275-296
John Eekelaar: The Politics of Pragmatism: Family Law Reform in England and Wales, pp. 297-312
Anders Agell: Is There One System of Family Law in the Nordic Countries?, pp. 313-330
Frank Bates: Family Law Reform in Australia, 1992 and Beyond, pp. 331-347
Bill Atkin: Reforming Property Division in New Zealand: From Marriage to Relationships, pp. 349-364
Encarna Roca: Same-Sex Partnerships in Spain: Family, Marriage or Contract?, pp. 365-382
Carol S. Bruch: Parental Alienation Syndrome: Junk Science in Child Custody Determinations, pp. 383-404
Vol. 3, No. 4
Frank Emmert: The Independence of Judges - a Concept Often Misunderstood in Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 405-409
Jacques Pelkmans: The Crucial Terms of EU Enlargement - Distinguishing the 'Core Acquis' from Less Urgent Requirements, pp. 411-425
Benjamin J. Richardson: Economic Instruments in UK Environmental Law Reform: Is the UK Government 'Sending the Right Signals'?, pp. 427-450
Maria O'Neill: A Critical Examination of the Legislative Processes and Practices Applied in the Implementation of Directive 91/308/EEC on Money Laundering and Regulation 3677/90/EEC on Psychotropic Substances in the Republic of Ireland, pp. 451-467
Siniša Petrović & Boris Štritof: Concentration Control in Croatia, pp. 469-495
Book Reviews:
William Burns: Christian von Bar, The Common European Law of Torts- Volume Two - Damage and Damages, Liability for and without Personal Misconduct, Causality, and Defences, Oxford: Clarendon Press (2000), pp. 497-498
Frank Emmert: Thomas M.J. Mö11ers, Die Rolle des Rechts im Rahmen der europäischen Integration, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (1999), pp. 498-500
Dita Sole: Helen Staples, The Legal Status of Third Country Nationals Resident in the European Union, The Hague et al.: Kluwer Law International (1999), pp. 500-502
Dita Sole: Sylvester C. W. Eijffinger and Jakob de Haan, European Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press (2000), pp. 502-504
Arturas Mickus: Richard Plender (ed.), European Courts Procedure, London: Sweet & Maxwell (2001), pp. 504-505
Vol. 4, No. 1
The Future of
International Civil
Procedure Law
Anton K. Schnyder: The Future of International Civil Procedure Law - Editorial, p. 1
Burkhard Heß: The Integrating Effect of European Civil Procedure Law, pp. 3-17
Reinhold Geimer: The Brussels Convention - Successful Model and Old-timer, pp. 19-35
Haimo Schack: The New International Procedure in Matrimonial Matters in Europe, pp. 37-56
Rolf A. Schütze: Lis Pendens and Related Actions, pp. 57-68
Gerhard Walter: Lis Alibi Pendens and Forum Non Conveniens: From Confrontation via Co-ordination to Collaboration, pp. 69-85
Pascal Grolimund: Human Rights and Jurisdiction: General Observations and Impact on the Doctrines of Forum Non Conveniens and Forum Conveniens, pp. 87-118
Laurent Killias: The Lugano Convention and its Relevance for Arbitration, pp. 119-133
Lajos Vékás: Hungary and the Lugano Convention, pp. 135-145
Helmut Heiss & Anna Suproń-Heidel: EU Enlargement: Aspects of (International) Procedural Law, pp. 147-164
Daniel Girsberger: The Internet and Jurisdiction Based on Contracts, pp. 165-183
Walter A. Stoffel: Place of Performance-Jurisdiction and Plaintiffs Interests in Contemporary Societies, pp. 185-198
Peter Gottwald: Jurisdiction Based on 'Business Activities' in the Hague Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters, pp. 199-217
Samuel P. Baumgartner: The Proposed Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments: Where We Are and the Road Ahead, pp. 219-243
Book Reviews:
Maureen B. Fitzmahan: Klaus Peter Berger (ed.), The Practice of Transnational Law, The Hague: Kluwer Law International (2001), pp. 245-246
Frank Emmert: Jan Ramberg, International Commercial Transactions, 2nd ed., Paris: ICC Publishing SA (2000), pp. 246-247
Frank Emmert: Paul J. Omar (ed.), Procedures to Enforce Foreign Judgments, Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Co./Ashgate Publishing Ltd. (2002), pp. 247-248
Frank Emmert: Gerhard Walter/Samuel P. Baumgartner (eds.), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Outside the Scope of the Brussels
and Lugano Conventions, The Hague: Kluwer Law International (2000), pp. 249-250
Vol. 4, No. 2
The Financing of
Criminal and
Regulatory Law
Mark Pieth: The Financing of Terrorism - Criminal and Regulatory Law Reform - Editorial, pp. 251-253
Jonathan M. Winer: Globalization, Terrorist Finance, and Global Conflict: Time for a White List?, pp. 255-290
Charles Freeland: How Can Sound Customer Due Diligence Rules Help Prevent the Misuse of Financial Institutions in the Financing of Terrorism?, pp. 291-298
Armand Kersten: Financing of Terrorism - A Predicate Offence to Money Laundering?, pp. 299-306
Ernesto U. Savona: Obstacles in Company Law to Anti-Money Laundering International Co-Operation in European Union Member States, pp. 307-335
Michael Levi & William Gilmore: Terrorist Finance, Money Laundering and the Rise and Rise of Mutual Evaluation: A New Paradigm for Crime Control?, pp. 337-364
Mark Pieth: Financing of Terrorism: Following the Money, pp. 365-376
Book Reviews:
Dita Sole: John A. Usher, The Law of Money and Financial Services in the European Community, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2000), pp. 377-378
Frank Emmert: Peter J. van Krieken (ed.), The Migration Acquis Handbook, The Hague, TMC Asser Press (2001) & Peter J. van Krieken (ed.), The Asylum Acquis Handbook, The Hague, TMC Asser Press (2000), pp. 378-379
Frank Emmert: Van der Heijden/Tahzib-Lie (eds), Reflections on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - A Fiftieth Anniversary Anthology, The Hague/Boston/London, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (1998), pp. 379-380
Vol. 4, No. 3
Carri Ginter: Access to Justice in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, pp. 381-445
Mohammed B. Hemraj: Judges as Law Makers, pp. 447-460
Lora Borissova: Regulatory Policy and Creation of Regulatory Authorities in the Telecommunications Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 461-479
Eithne Mills & James McConvill: The 2002 Irish Abortion Referendum: A Question of Constitutionalism and Conscience, pp. 481-494
Maureen B. Fitzmahan: America, Human Rights and the International Criminal Court, pp. 495-504
Vol. 4, No. 4
Frank Emmert: The European Journal of Law Reform Has Found a New Publisher - Editorial, pp. 507-510
The Rt Hon The Lord Goldsmith QC: Parliament for Lawyers: An Overview of the Legislative Process - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 511-523
Arturas Mickus: Shortcomings of EU Antidumping Law and Policy, pp. 525-583
Michael Coester: Same-Sex Relationships: A Comparative Assessment of Legal Developments Across Europe, pp. 585-601
Christian Toggenburger: Financing Private Litigation - A European Alternative to Contingency Fees, pp. 603-627
Bruno Zeller: Determining the Contractual Intent of Parties under the CISG and Common Law - A Comparative Analysis, pp. 629-643
Book Reviews:
Dimiter Blyangov: David Palmeter and Petros C. Mavroidis, Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization - Practice and Procedure, The Hague et al.: Kluwer Law International (1999), pp. 645-646
Frank Emmert: A Review of Recent Important Publications in the Area of European Competition Law
Peter M. Roth (ed.), Bellamy & Child - European Community Law of Competition, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 5th ed. (2001), pp. 647-648
Jonathan Faull and Ali Nikpay (eds), The EC Law of Competition, Oxford: Oxford University Press (1999), p. 649
Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin, EC Competition Law - Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2001), pp. 650-652
Simon Bishop and Mike Walker, The Economics of EC Competition Law - Concepts, Application and Measurement, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2nd ed. (2002), pp. 653-654
Vol. 5, No. 1+2
Anthony A. Tarr: Globalization, Comparative Law and Law Reform - Editorial, pp. 1-6
Lord Hope of Craighead: What a Second Chamber Can Do for Legislative Scrutiny - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 7-21
Boštjan M. Zupančič: Adjudication and the Rule of Law - 'Power of Logic' v. 'Logic of Power' - 'Rule of Law' v. 'Law and Order', pp. 23-126
Gülüm Bayraktaroğlu: Harmonization of Private Inter-national Law at Different Levels: Communitarization v. International Harmonization, pp. 127-172
Ieva Azanda: From Ex Ante to Ex Post Enforcement of Article 81: Efficiency, Legal Certainty and Community Enlargement, pp. 173-239
Lucy Khairy: Genetically Modified Organisms and International Trade: Precaution or Protectionism?, pp. 241-274
Michelle Bogre: TRIPS: The Polarized Debate - Does the World Need Internationally Enforceable Intellectual Property Rights?, pp. 275-292
Nadirsyah Hosen: The Habibie Government and the Law on Eradication of Corruption in Indonesia, pp. 293-321
Book Reviews:
Gabor Erdi: Karen J. Alter, Establishing the Supremacy ofEuropean Law: The Making of an International Rule of Law in Europe, Oxford University Press (2001), pp. 323-324
Maureen B. Fitzmahan:
Vol. 5, No. 3+4
Sir Timothy Garden: The Future of European-American Relations - Editorial, pp. 329-334
Dita Sole: Services of General Economic Interest in the EU: A 50- Year-Battle Between Liberalization, Deregulation and Subsidiarity, pp. 335-408
Helen Xanthaki: Effective Judicial Protection at the National Level Against Breaches of EC Law: The Current Nightmare of Procedural Hurdles, pp. 409-446
Guðrún Bergsteinsdóttir: Positive Action Within the Field of Sex-Equality in the Context of EEA Law, pp. 447-483
Michael Tegethoff: State Street, Amazon.com, and the Proposal for an EU Directive on the Patentability of Computer-Implemented Inventions - A Comparison of Software Patentability in the United States and the European Union, pp. 485-510
Glenda Murphree: Does Anyone Care? Prison Overcrowding and Confinement Conditions in the United States and in Europe, pp. 511-542
Bruno S. Frey: Functional, Overlapping, Competing Jurisdictions: Redrawing the Geographic Borders of Administration, pp. 543-555
Hans Herbert von Arnim: Political Finance: Checks and Abuses - Current Problems and New Developments, pp. 557-581
Book Reviews:
David Brandon McGinty: Alan Huffman, Mississippi in Africa: The Saga of the Slaves of Prospect Hill Plantation and Their Legacy in Liberia Today, New York: Gotham (2004), pp. 583-585
Robin Kundis Craig: Winston Harrington, Richard D. Mortgenstern, & Thomas Sterner (eds.), Choosing Environmental Policy: Comparing Instruments and Outcomes in the United States and Europe, Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future (2004), pp. 585-589
Vol. 6, No. 1+2
Jean-Claude Piris: The Legal Orders of the European Union and of the Member States: Peculiarities and Influences in Drafting - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 1-14
Boštjan M. Zupančič: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination as a Human Right, pp. 15-56
Ulrich Karpen: Implementation of Legislative Evaluation in Europe: Current Models and Trends, pp. 57-85
Christie Bodnar Swiss: Language Problems in the European Union: Accommodations for Twenty-Five Countries and Twenty Official Languages, pp. 87-118
Katharina Boele-Woelki: The Working Method of the Commission on European Family Law, pp. 119-143
Ingeborg Schwenzer: Methodological Aspects of the Harmonisation of Family Law, pp. 145-157
Masha Antokolskaia: The 'Better Law' Approach and the Harmonisation of Family Law, pp. 159-179
Shirley C. Ogata: Are Wedding Bells Ringing for Same-Sex Marriages? The Legal Trends and Social Perspectives of Europe, Canada and the United States, pp. 181-208
Frank Bates: Family Law Reform in Australia: A Fractured Continuum, pp. 209-230
Saloni Kantaria: Can the European Union Draft Constitution Be Considered a Constitution by the People and for the People?, pp. 231-244
S. Kyleen Nash: Shades of Gray: The Impact of World-Wide Aging on Elder Abuse and Neglect in the United States and France, pp. 245-270
Tanel Kerikmäe: The Achilles Heel of Estonia's Ownership Reform: The Case of Emigrants, pp. 271-285
Vol. 6, No. 3+4
Bonum Commune
Frank Emmert: Special Issue Bonum Commune - Editorial, pp. 287-288
Kurt Seelmann: Bonum Commune - An Outline, pp. 289-298
Paul H. Dembinski: From Failed Utopias to the Rediscovery of the Common Good, pp. 299-321
Mario G. Losano: Towards a Common Good: A Path to Utopia? From Philosophy through Legislation to the Dignified Life, pp. 323-350
Jean-Michel Bonvin: The Proceduralization of Standards: Putting the Common Good to Test, pp. 351-369
Sandra Lavenex: Globalization, Global Governance and the Bonnum Commune: a Conceptual Investigation, pp. 371-396
Véronique Zanetti: Equality or a Minimal Standard in Global Justice?, pp. 397-409
Mark Joób: Justice, Legitimacy and Supranational Institution-Building, pp. 411-425
Frank Emmert: The Common Good Under Fire - Is Globalization Delivering the Ultimate Victory to Manchester Capitalism?, pp. 427-459
Christian Giordano: Appropriating the Common Good by Personalizing Social Relationships - Acquaintances, Patronage, and Corruption in Low Trust Societies, pp. 461-486
Jürg Martin Gabriel: The Bonum Commune Dilemma: Patrimonial State Failure in Africa, pp. 487-503
Vol. 7, No. 1+2
The Art of
Helen Xanthaki: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 1-2
Geoffrey Bowman: The Art of Legislative Drafting - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 3-17
Peter Butt: Plain Language: Drafting and Property Law, pp. 19-29
Daniel Greenberg: All Trains Stop at Crewe: The Rise and Rise of Contextual Drafting, pp. 31-46
Patricia Popelier: Mosaics of Legal Provisions, pp. 47-57
Ulrich Karpen: On the State of Legislation Studies in Europe, pp. 59-78
Eric B. Litwack: Conscientious Objection in Public Service Ethics: A Proposed Procedure for Europe, pp. 79-87
Helen Xanthaki: Transposition of EC Law for EU Approximation and Accession: The Task of National Authorities, pp. 89-110
Gergana Maneva: Drafting for Accession: Bulgaria's Way to Success, pp. 111-134
Pius Perry Biribonwoha: Efficiency of the Legislative Process in Uganda, pp. 135-164
Richard Franklin Mbaruku: The Process of Constitutional Amendments in Tanzania: With a Reference to the Role of Parliamentary Draftsman, pp. 165-187
Qionglin Lu: Efficiency and Chinese Legislation, pp. 189-214
Shaohong Zhuang: Legal Transplantation in the People's Republic of China: A Response to Alan Watson, pp. 215-236
Book Reviews:
Helen Xanthaki: Simon Askey and Ian McLeod, Studying Law, Palgrave Macmillan (2005), p. 237
Helen Xanthaki: Daniel Greenberg, Craies on Legislation, Thomson Sweet and Maxwell (2004), p. 238
Vol. 7, No. 3+4
Commercial Law
Kristin P. Dutton: Risky Business: The Impact of the CISG on the International Sale of Goods. A Guide for Merchants to Limit Liability and Increase Certainty Inside and Outside of the CISG, pp. 239-275
Edita Ubartaite: Application of the CISG in the United States, pp. 277-301
Christiana Fountoulakis: The Parties' Choice of 'Neutral Law' in International Sales Contract, pp. 303-329
Michael Frischkorn: Definitions of the Lex Mercatoria and the Effects of Codifications on the Lex Mercatoria's Flexibility, pp. 331-351
Ingeborg Schwenzer: The Noble Month (Articles 38, 39 CISG) - The Story Behind the Scenery, pp. 353-366
Sabrina Salewski: Is the Abolishment of Privity Necessary in Modern Warranty Law? A Comparative Analysis of the System in the US, the CISG, the European Union, and Germany, pp. 367-427
Nurzat Myrsalieva: Jurisdictional Challenges in Investor-State Arbitration: Analysis of Typical Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties, With Specific Reference to the Treaty Between the US and the Kyrgyz Republic, pp. 429-462
Silvija Aile: Parallel Trade in Pharmaceuticals: Reconsidering the Underlying European Community Policies - Commentary on the Opinion of AG Francis Jacobs in Case C-53/03 Bayer/Adalat, pp. 463-504
Carri Ginter: Free Movement of Goods and Parallel Imports in the Internal Market of the EU, pp. 505-524
Book Review:
Andrew Klein: Geoffrey Samuel, Cases and Materials on Torts, Lawmatters Publishing, Exeter (2006), pp. 525-527
Vol. 8, No. 1
XVIIth IACL Congress
on Comparative Law
Katharina Boele-Woelki: Keynote Addresses of the XVIIth IACL World Congress - Editorial, pp. 1-2
Lord Steyn: The Challenge of Comparative Law, pp. 3-11
Jan Lokin: Legal History and Comparative Law, a Pair of Bifocals, pp. 13-27
Esin Örücü: Methodological Aspects of Comparative Law, pp. 29-42
Jean-Bernard Auby: Globalisation et droit comparé, pp. 43-52
Guy Canivet: L'impact du droit constitutionnel sur le droit privé, pp. 53-64
Deirdre Curtin: Making a Political Constitution for the European Union, pp. 65-76
Andrea Schulz: The Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements, pp. 77-92
Catherine Kessedjian: De quelques pistes pour 1'encadrement procédural de l'intervention des amici curiae, pp. 93-111
Roger Dujardin: Les huissiers de justice en droit comparé, pp. 113-121
Niek Zaman: Cross-Border Mergers in Europe, pp. 123-136
John A. E. Vervaele: The Anti-Terrorist Legislation in the US: Criminal Law for the Enemies?, pp. 137-171
Vol. 8, No. 2+3
EU Criminal Law
Constantin Stefanou: Special Issue on EU Criminal Law - Editorial, pp. 173-174
Helen Xanthaki: Eurojust: Fulfilled or Empty Promises in EU Criminal Law?, pp. 175-197
Steve Peers: Double Jeopardy and EU Law: Time for a Change?, pp. 199-222
Dionysios Spinellis: Extradition - Recent Developments in European Criminal Law, pp. 223-251
Stefano Manacorda: A Report on the Hindrances Between Community Law and Criminal Law: Neutralisation and Obligation of Incrimination, pp. 253-284
Anne Weyembergh & Serge de Biolley: The EU Mutual Legal Assistance Convention of 2000 and the Interception of Telecommunications, pp. 285-300
Valsamis Mitsilegas: Constitutional Principles of the European Community and European Criminal Law, pp. 301-323
Constantin Stefanou: European Criminal Law and European Integration Theory, pp. 325-341
Ilias Bantekas: Some Theoretical Foundations of EU Criminal Law: An International Law and International Organisations Perspective, pp. 343-357
Book Reviews:
Helen Xanthaki: Anne Weyembergh, L'harmonisation des législations: condition de l'espace pénal européen et rélévateur de ses tensions, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles (2004), p. 359
Helen Xanthaki: Geneviève Giudicelli-Delage and Stefano Manacorda, L'intégration pénale indirecte: Interactions entre droit pénal et coopération judiciaire au sein de 1'Union européenne, Société de 1égislation comparée (2005), p. 360
Vol. 8, No. 4
Gábor Hamza: The Classification (divisio) into 'Branches' of Modern Legal Systems (Orders) and Roman Law Traditions, pp. 361-382
Saulė Voluckytė: The Right of the Child to Express His or Her Views in Civil Proceedings and the Position of the Child Under the Rules of Criminal Procedure in Lithuania, pp. 383-437
Igor Volner: Forum Selection Clauses: Different Regulations from the Perspective of Cruise Ship Passengers, pp. 439-476
Ole Lando: How the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) Were Prepared, pp. 477-483
Levent Gonenc & Selin Esen: The Problem of the Application of Less Protective International Agreements in Domestic Legal Systems: Article 90 of the Turkish Constitution, pp. 485-500
Book Review:
Christiana Foutoulakis: Roy Goode, Herbert Kronke, Ewan McHendrick, Jeffrey Wool: Transnational Commercial Law, International Instruments and Commentary, Oxford University Press (2004), pp. 501-503
Vol. 9, No. 1
The Rt. Hon Lord Justice Thorpe: The Case for Judicial Activism, pp. 1-16
Carl F. Mishler: How Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Will Change the Legal Profession - A View from the United States of America, pp. 17-62
Ulrich Karpen, Nils Mö11e & Simon Schwarz: Freedom of Expression and the Administration of Justice in Germany, pp. 63-90
Adomas Siudika: Insider Trading Regulations in the Context of the Principle of 'Rule of Law': The United States and the European Union Perspective, pp. 91-111
Simeon P. Sungi: Obligatio Erga Omnes of Rape as a Ius Cogens Norm: Examining the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Court, pp. 113-144
Book Reviews:
James P. Nehf: Geraint Howells, Hans W. Micklitz and Thomas Wilhelmsson, European Fair Trading Law: The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Ashgate (2006), pp. 147-150
Vol. 9, No. 2
Helen Xanthaki: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 151-153
Kader Asmal: The South African Constitution and the Transition from Apartheid: Legislating the Reconcilia-tion of Rights in a Multi-Cultural Society - Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 155-165
Vareen Vanterpool: A Critical Look at Achieving Quality in Legislation, pp. 167-204
Rehema Mkuye: Controls and Safeguards of Delegated Legislation: a Case Study of Tanzania, pp. 205-242
Gail Edwards: Legal Transplants and Economics: the World Bank and Third World Economies in the 1980s - a Case Study of Jamaica, the Republic of Kenya and the Philippines, pp. 243-283
Diana Bozhilova: Measuring Successes and Failure of EU-Europeanization in the Eastern Enlargement: Judicial Reform in Bulgaria, pp. 285-319
Lydia Clapinska: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of Legislation Derived from the European Union, pp. 321-354
Book Review:
Helen Xanthaki: Ian McLeod, Key Concepts in Law, Palgrave Macmillan (2006), p. 355
Vol. 9, No. 3
Approximation to
EU Law
Guy Harpaz & Lior Herman: Approximation of Laws by Non-EU Countries to the EU Acquis: Setting the Scene - Editorial, pp. 357-360
Amichai Magen: Transformative Engagement Through Law: The Acquis Communautaire as an Instrument of EU External Influence, pp. 361-392
Guy Harpaz: Approximation of Laws in the EU-Med Context: A Realist Perspective, pp. 393-412
Jan Hagemejer & Jan J. Michalek: Standardization Policy of the EU - The Impact of Standards and Technical Regulations on Trade and Welfare of New Member States, pp. 413-429
Titus van Stiphout: Homogeneity vs. Decision-Making Autonomy in the EEA Agreement, pp. 431-447
René Schwok: Switzerland's Approximation of its Legis-lation to the EU Acquis: Specificities, Lessons and Paradoxes, pp. 449-465
Michal S. Gal: The 'Cut and Paste' of Article 82 of the EC Treaty in Israel: Conditions for a Succesful Transplant, pp. 467-484
Alfred Tovias: Spontaneous vs. Legal Approximation: The Europeanization of Israel, pp. 485-500
Andreas Herdina: Approximation of Laws in the Context of the European Neighbourhood Policy - A View from Brussels, pp. 501-504
Vol. 9, No. 4
Alexander Hoffmann: Mediation in Germany and the United States - a Comparison, pp. 505-551
Dmitrijs Nemirovskis: Small But Precious: the Actual and Potential Direct Effect of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Between the European Communities and the Russian Federation, pp. 553-617
Michael Kaeding: Legal Borders in the EU? Transposition of European Transport Directives in France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom, pp. 619-639
Bruno Zeller: Protecting Reliance: Equitable Estoppel and the CISG - a Comparative Analysis, pp. 641-653
Vol. 10, No. 1
Fan Yang: A Comparative Case Study of the Interpretation Methodology of Article 14 of the CISG - A Global Jurisconsultorium Perspective, pp. 3-20
Karen E. MacDonald: The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - A Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina, pp. 21-49
Margherita Poto: Democratic Aspirations in Europe, pp. 51-73
Vesna Lazic: Recent Developments in Harmonizing 'European Private International Law' in Family Matters, pp. 75-96
Giuseppe Martinico & Oreste Pollicino: Between Constitutional Tolerance and Judicial Activism: the 'Specificity' of European Judicial Law, pp. 97-125
Book Review:
Christiana Fountoulakis: Mauro Bussani & Ugo Mattei (eds.): Opening Up European Law, Stämpfli Publishers Ltd., Berne; Sellier European Law Publishers, Munich; Carolina Academic Press, Durham (2007), pp. 127-130
Vol. 10, No. 2
The Art of
Helen Xanthaki: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 133-134
Sir Terence Etherton: Law Reform in England and Wales: A Shattered Dream or Triumph of Political Vision? - Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 135-149
William Robinson: Drafting of EU Acts: A View from the European Commission, pp. 151-162
Ulrich Karpen: Instructions for Law Drafting, pp. 163-181
Alfred Kellermann: Guidelines on Quality of EU Legislation and its Impact on Albania, pp. 183-218
Joseph G. Kobba: Criticisms of the Legislative Drafting Process and Suggested Reforms in Sierra Leone, pp. 219-249
Zione Jane Veronica Ntaba: Constitutional Interpre-tation: Judicial Activism or Restraint, pp. 251-260
Serena Connor: Drafting to Combat Corruption: the Anguilla's Physical Planning Bill 2005 as a Case-Study, pp. 261-273
Mary E. Vogel: Situating Legislative Drafting, pp. 275-293
Book Review:
Helen Xanthaki: Luc J. Wintgens (ed.), Legislation in Context: Essays in Legisprudence, Ashgate (2005), pp. 295-296
Vol. 10, No. 3
Federico Ferretti: Structural Barriers for a European Internal Market in Consumer Credit Information Systems and the European Free Movement Rights: the Case for Institutional Reform, pp. 297-320
Ester Herlin-Karnell: The Treaty of Lisbon and the Criminal Law: Anything New Under the Sun?, pp. 321-337
Alfred E. Kellermann: The Rights of Non-Member State Nationals under the EU Association Agreements, pp. 339-381
Rachel L. Rinehart: Cooperative Endeavors: A Comparative Analysis of Agency Efforts Regarding Sex Offender Laws in the United States and the United Kingdom, pp. 383-415
Book Reviews:
Danilena Kapralova: Morten Broberg and Nina Holst-Christensen, The Free Movement in the European Union, Cases, Commentaries and Questions, DJOF Publishing (2007), p. 417
Danilena Kapralova: Sybe A. de Vries, Tensions within the Internal Market - The Functioning of the Internal Market and the Development of Horizontal and Flanking Policies, Europa Law Publishing (2006), pp. 418-419
Giancarlo Panagia: Guido Alpa, The Age of Rebuilding: Sketches of the New Italian Private Law, The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (2007), pp. 419-423
Ying Chen: James Harrison, The Human Rights Impact of the World Trade Organization, Hart Publishing (2007), pp. 423-426
Vol. 10, No. 4
The Lisbon Reform Treaty
Gil Carlos Rodriguez Iglesias: From the Constitutional Treaty to the Reform Treaty, pp. 427-429
Guy Harpaz & Lior Herman: The Lisbon Reform Treaty: Internal and External Implications, pp. 431-436
Sarah Seeger: From Referendum Euphoria to Referendum Phobia - Framing the Ratification Question, pp. 437-456
Sergio Fabbrini: Contesting the Lisbon Treaty: Structure and Implications of the Constitutional Divisions Within the European Union, pp. 457-476
Luk Van Langenhove & Daniele Marchesi: The Lisbon Treaty and the Emergence of Third Generation Regional Integration, pp. 477-496
Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu: Opt-Outs in the Lisbon Treaty: What Direction for Europe d la Carte?, pp. 497-513
Claudio Mandrino: The Lisbon Treaty and the New Powers of Regions, pp. 515-533
Anna-Lena Högenauer: The Impact of the Lisbon Reform Treaty on Regional Engagement in EU Policy-Making - Continuity or Change?, pp. 535-555
Eve Chava Landau: A New Regime of Human Rights in the EU?, pp. 557-575
Juan Santos Vara: The External Dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Lisbon Treaty, pp. 577-597
Edith Drieskens: EU Actorness at the UN Security Council: A Principal-Agent Comparison of the Legal Situation Before and After Lisbon, pp. 599-619
Vol. 11, No. 1
Philippe Billiet: Situating Cooperative R&D Joint Ventures Between the Need to Innovate and Innovation-Related Competition Rules, pp. 1-34
Giuseppe Martinico: Reading the Others: American Legal Scholars and the Unfolding European Integration, pp. 35-49
Bashar H. Malkawi: Commercial Books in Arab Countries: Where From and Where To?, pp. 51-63
The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Thorpe: London - The Divorce Capital of the World, pp. 65-76
Yue Fu: Consideration of the Best Interests of the Child in Deportation Cases in Japan, pp. 77-110
Theodora Christou, Eleni Kouzoupi & Helen Xanthaki: Mutual Recognition in Criminal Matters in Cyprus, pp. 111-122
Book Reviews:
Pascal Hachem: Bruno Zeller, CISC and the Unification of International Trade Law, Routledge-Cavendish (2007), pp. 123-125
Giuseppe Martinico: A. Pizzorusso, La produzione normativa in tempi di globalizzazione, Giappichelli (2008), pp. 126-130
Christiana Fountoulakis: André Janssen & Olaf Meyer (eds.), CISG Methodology, Sellier. European Law Publishers (2009), pp. 130-133
Talia Einhorn: Mads Andenas, Sylvia Diaz Alabart, Sir Basil Markesinis, Hans Micklitz & Nello Pasquini (eds.), Liber Amicorum Guido Alpa - Private Law Beyond the National Systems, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (2007), pp. 133-136
Vol. 11, No. 2
The Art of
Constantin Stefanou: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 137-138
Stephen Laws: Plus ça change? Continuity and Change in UK Legislative Drafting Practice - Annual Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 139-155
Jonathan Teasdale: Statute Law Revision: Repeal, Consolidation or Something More?, pp. 157-212
Ulrich Karpen: Good Governance Through Transparent Application of the Rule of Law, pp. 213-223
Catherine Skinner: Codification and the Common Law, pp. 225-257
La Toya James: Restructuring the Labour Code in Lieu of Quality in Legislation Principles: Will the Use of a Code Prove Beneficial?, pp. 259-280
Vol. 11, No. 3
Giuseppe Martinico, Oreste Pollicino & Vincenzo Sciarabba: Hands off the Untouchable Core: A Constitutional Appraisal of the Kadi Case, pp. 281-304
Hannes Rösler: Europeanisation of Private Law Through Directives - Determining Factors and Modalities of Implementation, pp. 305-322
Geetha Mazarelo: Emergency Legislation in the United Kingdom, pp. 323-368
Zafar Gondal: Drafting for a Post Conflict and Collapsed State - The Case of Afghanistan, pp. 369-401
Gogontle Keneiwe Gatang: Curbing Domestic Violence in Botswana: An Analysis of the Domestic Violence Act, pp. 403-443
Clyde Croft & Christopher Kee: Update on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules Revision, pp. 445-454
Book Review:
Marta Simoncini: Giuseppe Martinico, L'integrazione silente. La funzione interpretativa della Corte di giustizia e il diritto costituzionale europeo, Jovene (2009), pp. 455-458
Vol. 11, No. 4
Ingeborg Schwenzer & Pascal Hachem: Drafting New Model Rules on Sales: CFR as an Alternative to the CISG?, pp. 459-472
Filippo Fontanelli: The Court Goes 'All in', pp. 472-498
Delia Ferri: Cultural Diversity 'Under Review' - The Fachverband der Buch- und Medienwirtschaft Case, pp. 499-509
Fjoralba Caka & Steven Blockmans: Implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in Albania: Avoiding Discriminatory Practices in the Free Movement of Goods, pp. 511-530
Book Reviews
Delia Ferri: Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir & Gerard Quinn (eds), The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. European and Scandinavian Perspectives, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers-Brill Academic (2009), pp. 531-534
Christiana Fountoulakis: Stefan Vogenauer and Jan Kleinheisterkamp, (Eds.), Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC), Oxford University Press (2009), pp. 535-536
Vol 12, No. 1+2
The Art of
Helen Xanthaki: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 3-4
Shami Chakrabarti: Repentance at Leisure: The Politics of Legislation and the Law of Unintended Consequences - Annual Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 5-15
Ulrich Karpen: Good Governance, pp. 16-31
Denis Kibirige Kawooya: Act of Parliament: The Role of Parliament in the Legislative Process - A Commonwealth Perspective, pp. 32-57
Linnet Mafukidze: Legislative Drafting Tools for Stabilization Provisions and Economic Balancing Provisions, pp. 58-99
Ilias Bantekas: Is Compliance with International Humanitarian Law Susceptible to Logical Measurement?, pp. 100-105
Dren Doli, Fisnik Korenica & Artan Rogova: Establishing Protection Mechanisms for Bureaucrats - The Case of the Independent Oversight Board of Civil Service of Kosovo, pp. 106-133
Avril Anande Trotman-Joseph: Constitutional Review in the Caribbean, pp. 134-144
Vol. 12, No. 3+4
Edward J. Alam: Does Business Ethics Need Religion?, pp.
Ying Chen: The Right to Food, pp. 158-208
Amos 0. Enabulele: Use of Force by International/Regio-nal Non-State Actors: No Armed Attack, No Self-Defence, pp. 209-229
Siniša Petrović & Tomislav Jakšić: The ECJ Ruling in Cartesio and Its Consequences on the Right of Establish-ment and Corporate Mobility in the European Union, pp. 230-296
Rilka Dragneva & Antoaneta Dimitrova: The Politics of Demand for Law: The Case of Ukraine's Company Law Reform, pp. 297-318
Mosa Sayed: The Accommodation of Minority Customs in Sweden - The Islamic Law of Inheritance as an Example, pp. 319-339
Christie A. Linskens Christie: What Critiques Have Been Made of the Socratic Method in Legal Education? The Socratic Method in Legal Education: Uses, Abuses and Beyond, pp. 340-355
Amy Lai: Women Can and Should Have It Both Ways - Finding a Balance Between the EU's New Law on Maternity Leave and American Maternity Provisions, pp. 356-372
Tanel Kerikmae & Katrin Nyman-Metcalf: Karlsruhe v. Lisbon An Overture to a Constitutional Dialogue from an Estonian Perspective, pp. 373-387
Josep M. Bech Serra: When the Package Holiday is Not Realized - A Piece of EU Consumer Law under Review, pp. 388-403
Tzena Mayersak: Examining the Use of Arbitration and Dealing with Decedent's Wishes in Wills, Trusts and Estates, pp. 404-415
Esther Majambere: Bicameralism or Unicameralism - The Case of the United Kingdom and Uganda, pp. 416-425
Kadija Kabba: Legislatures in Modern States: The Role of the Legislature in Ensuring Good Governance Is Inadequate - A Case Study of the United Kingdom and Sierra Leone, pp. 426-435
Book Review
Shawn Boyne: T. Spronken, G. Vermeulen, D. de Vocht and L. van Puyenbroeck, EU Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings, Maklu Publishers (2009), pp. 436-438
Vol. 13, No. 1
WG Hart Issue
on Constitutional
Law in Theory
and Practice
Constantin Stefanou: WG Hart Workshop - Comparative Perspectives on Constitutions in Theory and Practice - Editorial, p. 3
Barry Sullivan: Methods and Materials in Constitutional Law - Some Thoughts on Access to Government Information as a Problem for Constitutional Theory and Socio-Legal Studies, pp. 4-30
Cesare Pinelli, The Combination of Negative with Positive Constitutionalism in Europe - The Quest of a 'Just Distance' between Citizens and the Public Power, pp. 31-39
David Marrani: The Importance of the Symbolic Role of the Head of State, pp. 40-58
Mariusz Jerzy Golecki: The European Law from Grundnorm towards the Cathedral - Constitutional Features of a Complex Legal System, pp. 59-79
Gábor Attila Tóth: From Uneasy Compromises to Democratic Partnership - The Prospects of Central European Constitutionalism, pp. 80-96
Ioannis Glinavos: Investor Protection v. State Regulatory Discretion - Definitions of Expropriation and Shrinking Regulatory Competence, pp. 97-114
Alfred E. Kellermann: Comparative Aspects on Constitutions - Theory and Practice, pp. 115-129
Riddhi Dasgupta: Competing Constitutional Ideals in the United States' Force Majeure-Federalism Cases - Calling the Shots in Disaster Management, pp. 130-156
Allan F. Tatham: In the Judicial Steps of Bolívar and Morazán? Supranational Court Conversations Between Europe and Latin America, pp. 157-171
Davit Zedelashvili: The Problems and Promises of a Legal Constitution - The Constitutional State and History, pp. 172-194
Vol. 13, No. 2
The Art of
Constantin Stefanou: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, pp. 197-198
Margaret Wilson: Gender-Neutral Law Drafting: The Challenge of Translating - Policy into Legislation, Annual Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 199-209
William Robinson: Legislative Drafting and Human Rights - The Example of the European Arrest Warrant, pp. 210-235
Rozmizan Muhamad: Instructions to Draft Legislation -
A Study on the Legislative Drafting Process in Malaysia, pp. 236-276
Reyneck Matemba: Judicial Activism - Usurpation of Parliament's and Executive's Legislative Functions, or a Quest for Justice and Social Transformation, pp. 277-311
Kadija Kabba: Judicial Review - An Essential Tool for Curbing the Excesses and Abuse of Executive Action in Sierra Leone, pp. 312-336
Vol. 13, No. 3+4
African Conference
on International
Commercial Law
Ingeborg Schwenzer: African Conference on International
Commercial Law - Editorial, pp. 341-343
International Sales Law
Joseph Issa Sayegh: La vente commerciale en droit OHADA: apports et emprunts, pp. 344-359
S.K. Date-Bah: The Case for Accession to, or Ratifica-tion of, the Vienna United Nations Convention on the
International Sale of Goods 1980 by African States, pp. 360-369
Ingeborg Schwenzer: Regional and Global Unification of Sales Law, pp. 370-379
Jan Ramberg: INCOTERMS 2010, pp. 380-387
International Commercial Arbitration
Jason Fry: Arbitration and Promotion of Economic Growth
and Investment, pp. 388-396
Gaston Kenfack Douajni: L'internationalité de l'arbitrage OHADA, pp. 397-412
Christa Roodt: Autonomy and Due Process in Arbitration -
Recalibrating the Balance, pp. 413-434
Unification of Contract Law
Stefan Vogenauer: Unification of General Contract Law in Africa - The Case of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, pp. 435-440
Mbissane Ngom: Propos impertinents sur l'unification du droit général des contrats, pp. 441-450
Riekie Wandrag: Unification of Southern African Contract Law, pp. 451-461
Claire Moore Dickerson: OHADA's Proposed Uniform Act on Contract Law - Formal Law for the Informal Sector, pp. 462-478
The Future of International Sales Law in Africa
Luca G. Castellani: International Trade Law Reform in Africa - A Call for Action, pp. 479-487
Frédérique Mestre: Promouvoir le droit commercial international en Afrique - La contribution d'UNIDROIT, pp. 488-504
Stephen Agaba: The Future of International Commercial Law in East Africa, pp. 505-513
Young Researchers
Sylvie Bebohi: Les avantages comparatifs des Règlements
d'arbitrage CIRDI-CNUDCI-CCJA, pp. 514-528
Song Lianbin & Sophia Juan Yang: Chinese Judicial Methodologies to Determine the Validity of Arbitration Agreements - "Arbitration in Hong Kong and English Law to Apply" as an Example, pp. 529-539
Enga Kameni: Making a Case for an OHADA Corporate
Governance Principles-Based Regime, pp. 540-549
Nnaemeka Ewelukwa: Is Africa Ready for Electronic Commerce? - A Critical Appraisal of the Legal Framework for E-commerce in Africa, pp. 550-576
Ousmane Bougouma: La libre circulation des marchandises dans l'Union Européenne et dans L'UEMOA - Approche comparative sous un angle commercial, pp. 577-599
Gurvan Branellec: L'uniformité du droit du contrat de transport international de marchandises par mer, pp. 600-613
Quingxui Bu: Danone v. Wahaha: Who Laughs Last?, pp. 614-628
Pascal Hachem: The Future of Agreed Sums Payable upon Breach of an Obligation, pp. 629-639
Vol. 14, No. 1
Dorothea van Iterson: The Response of National Law to International Conventions and Community Instruments - the Dutch Example, pp. 3-16
Bashar H. Malkawi: Trade in Oil and Export Restrictions - Taking the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to the WTO Court, pp. 17-43
Jonathan Bashi Rudahindwa: From Port Louis to Panama and Washington DC - Two Regional Approaches to International Commercial Arbitration, pp. 44-64
Dieter Martiny: Current Developments in the National Laws of Maintenance - A Comparative Analysis, pp. 65-84
Eric Tardif: Immigration, Religion and Human Rights -
State Policy Challenges in Balancing Public and Private Interests, pp. 85-103
Tonye Clinton Jaja: Teaching Legislative Drafting -
The Necessity for Clinical Legal Education, pp. 104-112
Fjoralba Caka: State Aid Given by Local Government Which
Disorts Competition, pp. 113-130
Book Reviews
Christiana Fountoulakis: B. Heiderhoff & G. Zmij (eds.), Interpretation in Polish, German and European Private Law, Sellier European Law Publishers (2011), pp. 131-133
Christiana Fountoulakis: R. Schulze & H. Schulte-Nö1ke (eds.), European Private Law - Current Status and Perspectives, Sellier European Law Publishers (2011), pp. 133-136
Adrien Gabellon: C. Busch & H. Schulte-N6lke (eds.), EU Compendium - Fundamental Rights and Private Law, Sellier European Law Publishers (2011), pp. 136-138
Vol. 14, No. 2+3
The Art of
Helen Xanthaki: Sir William Dale Memorial Issue - Editorial, p. 141
Noor Azlina Hashim: Consultation: A Contribution to Efficiency of Drafting Process in Malaysia, pp. 142-174
Mazhar Ilahi: Rule of Ordinance in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan - A Question of Arbitrary Legislative Endowment, pp. 175-190
Mary Victoria Petelō Fa'asau: Challenges Faced by Legislative Drafters in Samoa and Other USP Member Countries, pp. 191-224
Ruth Ikiriza: Instructions to Draft Legislation -
A Study on Legislative Drafting Process in Rwanda, pp. 225-256
Omar Abdelaziz: The Impact of Europeanization of Contract Law on English Contract Law, pp. 257-279
Alain Songa Gashabizi: The Challenges of Rwandan Drafters in the Drafting Process for Good Quality Legislation, pp. 280-311
Venessa McLean: Why the Inflation in Legislation on Women's Bodies?, pp. 312-337
Froduard Munyangabe: Legal Meaning in the Interpretation of Multilingual Legislations - Comparative Analysis of Rwanda, Canada and Ireland, pp. 338-370
Isabel Omal: Scrutiny of Legislation in Uganda: A Case for Reform, pp. 371-396
Vol. 14, No. 4
Kari Käsper & Tanel Kerikmäe: Access to Higher Education in the EU - Evolving Case Law of the CJEU, pp. 399-413
Jin Kong: What Virtues and Formalities Can Do for
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Rule of
Law in China?, pp. 414-443
Christine Forster & Vedna Jivan: Gender Equality Laws in the Post-Socialist States of Central and Eastern Europe - Mainstream Fixture or Fizzer?, pp. 444-466
Gerhard van der Schyff: Structuring the Judiciary to Conduct Constitutional Review in the Netherlands -
A Comparative and European Perspective, pp. 467-489
Panagiotis Kon. Panagiotou: Agreements for the Continuance of the Personal Company Despite the Death of the Partner and the Legal Rights of the Successor in Greek Company Law, pp. 490-508
Martin Gramatikov & Stéphanie van Gulijk: Occurrence of Disruptive Behaviour in Dutch Civil Procedures - An Empirical Study, pp. 509-532
Book Reviews
Talia Einhorn: Bea Verschraegen, Internationales Privatrecht, Manz (2012), pp. 533-534
Jacqueline Gray: Jane Mair and Esin Örücü [eds.], The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search, Intersentia (2011), pp. 534-540
Vol. 15, No. 1
J.W. Simon & W. Bode: Continuous Mixed Forestry and the Citizens Forest Model, pp. 3-19
Megan Richardson: Responsive Law Reform: A Case Study in Privacy and the Media, pp. 20-37
Emmely de Haan: The Application of Exception Clauses of the Rome Convention and the Rome I Regulation by the Dutch Courts - An Escape from Reality?, pp. 38-58
Alessia Valongo: Aspects of Italian Civil Law in the Recent Developments Regarding Money Laundering
Regulations, pp. 59-70
Talia Einhorn: Developments in Regional Trade Law -
A View from Israel, pp. 71-79
Oscar Celador Angón: The Regularization of Undocumented
Immigrants in the United States - The Spanish Solution, pp. 80-95
Ronan Cormacain: Keeling Schedules and Clarity in Amending Legislation, pp. 96-108
Book Reviews
Christiana Foutoulakis: Martin Schmidt-Kessel (ed.), Ein einheitliches europäsches Kaufrecht? Eine Analyse des Vorschlags der Kommission, Sellier European Law Publishers (2012) and Hans Schulte-Nölke, Fryderyk Zoll, Nils Jansen, & Reiner Schulze (eds.), Der Entwurf für ein optionales europäisches Kaufrecht, Sellier European Law Publishers (2012), pp. 109-111
Vol. 15, No. 2
Law Reform
in Brazil
Jones Figueiredo Alves, J., Paulo Rosenblatt & Ailton Alfredo de Souza, J.: Special Issue on Brazilian Law Reform - Editorial, pp. 3-5
Eugênia Cristina Nilsen Ribeiro Barza: Brazil and International Agreements, pp. 6-19
Gustavo Ferreira Santos: Treaties X Human Rights Treaties - A Critical Analysis of the Dual Stance on Treaties in the Brazilian Legal System, pp. 20-33
Paul Hugo Weberbauer: The Controversy Surrounding Article 9 of the Law That Defines How Brazilian Laws Are
Applied - The Difficult Path to Reform of Private International Law Legislation in Brazil, pp. 34-50
Marcelo Labanca Corrêa de Araújo & Glauco Salomão Leite: Federalist Distortions in the Organization of the
Legislative Branch of Brazilian Government, pp. 51-65
Rafael Cavalcanti Lemos: Judicial Delegation of Administrative Acts During the Execution Phase or Execution Process - The Application of the Constitu-tional Principle of Efficiency, Under the Inspiration of Recent Portuguese Law Reforms, pp. 66-90
Cherie Booth & Helen Xanthaki: Editorial, pp. 93-94
Helen Xanthaki: Legislative Techniques in Rwanda -Present and Future, pp. 95-176
Mico Augustin: The Drafter's Role in the Drafting Process, pp. 177-205
Elias Turatsinze: The Pursuit of Clarity, Precision and
Unambiguity in Drafting Retrospective Legislation, pp. 206-236
Odethie Birunga: Statutory Interpretation in Multi-lingual Jurisdictions, pp. 237-266
Charles Aguma: The Principle of Ultra Vires and the Local Authorities' Decisions in England, pp. 267-298
Samuel Ngirinshuti: Use of Legislative Section Headings to Achieve Effectiveness: Comparative Study of Rwandan
and Australian Jurisdictions, pp. 299-330
Vol. 15, No. 3
Law Reform
in Rwanda
Vol. 15, No. 4
The Art of
The Rt. Hon. Sir David Lloyd Jones: The Law Commission and the Implementation of Law Reform - 12th Annual Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 333-348
Joseph E. Miller, Jr.: Donors Without Borders - A Comparative Study of Tax Law Frameworks for Individual
Cross-Border Philanthropy, pp. 349-370
Agnes Quartey Papafio: Drafting Conventions, Templates and Legislative Precedents, and their Effects on the
Drafting Process and the Drafter, pp. 371-399
Mazhar Ilahi: Linguistic Disharmony, National Language
Authority and Legislative Drafting in Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, pp. 400-414
Lesedi Poloko: Drafting of Legislation in Compliance with Model Laws, pp. 415-450
Book Review:
Marta Cartabia, Nicola Lupo, Andrea Simoncini (eds), Democracy and Subsidiarity in the EU National Parlia-ments - Regions and Civil Society in the Decisionmaking
Process, Il Mulino (2013), pp. 451-453
Vol. 16, No. 1
Timothy Moorhead: The Values of the European Union Legal Order - Constitutional Perspectives, pp. 3-18
Justin Boren: Negligent Prosecution - Why Pirates Are Wreaking Havoc on International Trade and How to Stop It, pp. 19-40
Rowland J.V. Cole: Judicial Case Management and the Complexities of Competing Norms Occasioned by Law
Reforms - The Experience in Respect of Criminal Proceedings in Botswana, pp. 41-55
J. Michael Blackwell: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Drug Prohibition for the Peoples of Developing
Nations, pp. 56-79
Aare Kasemets & Annika Talmar-Pere: Implementation of Better Regulation Measures in the Internal Security Draft Legislation - The Case of Estonia, pp. 80-103
Martin-Joe Ezeudu: From a Soft Law Process to Hard Law
Obligations - The Kimberley Process and Contemporary International Legislative Process, pp. 104-132
Olga Burlyuk: A Thorny Path to the Spotlight - The Rule of Law Component in EU External Policies and EU-Ukraine
Relations, pp. 133-153
Jonathan Bishop: Internet Trolling and the 2011 UK Riots
- The Need for a Dualist Reform of the Constitutional,
Administrative and Security Frameworks in Great Britain, pp. 154-167
Aquinaldo Célio Mandlate: Strengthening Child Laws in Africa - Some Examples from the New Children's Act of Angola, pp. 168-180
W.Th. Nuninga: Wrongful Testing and Its Lively Consequences, pp. 181-206
Vol. 16, No. 2
Islamic Law
Frank Emmert: Special Issue on Islamic Law - Editorial, pp. 209-211
Issam Saliba: The Place of Shariah Among the Legal Systems of the World, pp. 212-220
Salma Taman: An Introduction to Islamic Law, pp. 221-246
A.T. Shehu: Democracy, Constitutionalism and Shariah -
The Compatibility Question, pp. 247-273
Mohamed Y. Mattar: Human Rights in Islamic Law, Specifically the Guarantee of Procedural Justice, pp. 274-302
Omar Alsunaid & Bashar Almofadda: Women's Rights in the Islamic Perspective, pp. 303-316
Aishath Muneeza: Appointment of Female Judges in Muslim
Countries, pp. 317-328
Anthony Gray: The Manifestation of Religious Belief Through Dress - Human Rights and Constitutional Issues, pp. 329-352
Ujala Akram: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and
Islam - A Review of Laws Regarding 'Offences Relating to Religion' in Pakistan from a Domestic and International Law Perspective, pp. 353-376
Majed M. Alzahrani: The System of Kafala and the Rights of Migrant Workers in GCC Countries - With Specific
Reference to Saudi Arabia, pp. 377-400
Julie Malingreau: International Kafala: A Right for the Child to Enter and Stay in the EU Member States?, pp. 401-429
Andrea Büchler & Eveline Schneider Kayasseh: Medically Assisted Reproduction in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - Sunni and Shia Legal Debates, pp. 430-464
Mohamed A. 'Arafa: Islamic Policy of Environmental Conservation - 1,500 Years Old, Yet Thoroughly Modern, pp. 465-504
Mahmood Bagheri, Mojtaba Nayyer & Mahdi Moalla: Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Under
Islamic Law - From Tort to Special Privileges, pp. 505-520
Book Reviews:
Frank Emmert & Salma Taman: Introductions to Islamic Law for Students and Beginners and Noteworthy Examples of More Specialised Books for More Advanced Readers, pp. 521-530
Vol. 16, No. 3
Law and Language
Giulia Adriana Pennisi: Plain Language - Improving Legal Communication, Editorial, pp. 533-540
Derwent Coshott: Living in the Past - The Critics of Plain Language, pp. 541-552
Francesco De Pascalis: Shifting from Financial Jargon to Plain Language - Advantages and Problems in the European Retail Financial Market, pp. 553-571
Stefania Maria Maci: "What Does He Think This Is? The Court of Human Rights or the United Nations?" - (Plain) Language in the Written Memories of Arbitral Proceedings: A Cross-Cultural Case Study, pp. 572-596
Mazhar Ilahi: Legislative Drafting in Plain Urdu Language for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan - A Question of Complex Intricacies, pp. 597-609
William Robinson: Making EU Legislation Clearer, pp. 610-632
Derek Roebuck: Plain, Clear, and Something More?
Criteria for Communication in Legal Language, pp. 633-650
Michele Sala: Plain Language in Legal Studies - A Corpus-Based Study, pp. 651-668
Book Reviews
Ilias Bantekas: Roger O'Keefe & Christian J. Tams, The United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional
Immunities of States and Their Property: A Commentary, Oxford University Press (2013), pp. 669-670
Frank Emmert: Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, 3rd ed., Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters (2010), pp. 670-671
Vol. 16, No. 4
The Euro Crisis
loannis Glinavos: Editorial, pp. 675-678
loannis Glinavos: A Crisis Beyond Law, or a Crisis of Law? - Reflections on the European Economic Crisis, pp. 679-691
Dieter Pesendorfer: Beyond Financialisation? -Transformative Strategies for More Sustainable Financial
Markets in the European Union, pp. 692-712
Giuseppe Bianco: Collective Action Clauses in the Eurozone - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, pp. 713-727
Konstantinos Sergakis: EU Corporate Governance
The Ongoing Challenges of the 'Institutional Investor Activism' Conundrum, pp. 728-746
Konstantina Kalogeropoulou: Addressing the Pension Challenge: Can the EU Respond? - Towards Facilitating the Portability of Supplementary (Occupational) Pension Rights, pp. 747-769
Aurora Voiculescu: Another Type of Deficit? - Human Rights, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Shaping
of the European Union's Linkage Strategy, pp. 770-786
Vol. 17, No. 1
Luca Di Donato: Which Direction Is the Regulatory Quality Pendulum Taking?, pp. 3-13
Aisling de Paor & Delia Ferri: Regulating Genetic Discrimination in the European Union - Pushing the EU into Unchartered Territory or Ushering in a New
Genomic Era?, pp. 14-32
Charis Papacharalambous: The Penal Law of the Foe Revisited - Politically Overcoming Liberalism or Trivially Regressing to State's Glorification?, pp. 33-46
Khurshid Iqbal: The Rule of Law Reform and Judicial Education in Pakistan- Search for a Model, pp. 47-92
Obonye Jonas: Extra-Marital Children and Their Right to
Inherit from Their Fathers in Botswana - A Critical Appraisal, pp. 93-116
Michael I.C. Nwogugu: Goodwill/Intangibles Accounting Rules, Earnings Management, and Competition, pp. 117-184
Michael I.C. Nwogugu: Un-Constitutionality of the Dodd-Frank Act, pp. 185-211
Vol. 17, No. 2
Family Law Reform
Katharina Boele-Woelki: Introduction, p. 215
Christine Budzikiewicz & Machteld Vonk: Legal Motherhood and Parental Responsibility - A Comparative Study on the Tensions between Scientific Knowledge, Social Reality and Personal Identity, pp. 216-231
Christina G. Jeppesen de Boer & Annette Kronborg: The Incorporation of Intentional Parentage by Female Same-Sex Couples into National Parentage Laws - A Comparison between Danish and Dutch Law, pp. 232-246
Denise Amram: Pursuing the Best Interest of Children in Non-Traditional Families - A Comparative Overview, pp. 247-256
Stefanie Sucker: To Recognize or Not to Recognize? That Is the Question! - Motherhood in Cross-Border Surrogacy Cases, pp. 257-270
Susanne Burri: Care in Family Relations - The Case of Surrogacy Leave, pp. 271-281
Marjolein van den Brink, Philipp Reu & Jet Tigchelaar: Out of the Box? Domestic and Private
International Law Aspects of Gender Registration - A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the Netherlands, pp. 282-293
Kelly-Anne Cleophas & Usang Maria Assim: Child Participation in Family Law Matters Affecting Children in South Africa, pp. 294-304
Maximilian Strutz & Evelien Verhagen: The Minor in Divorce-Related Judicial Proceedings in the Netherlands and Germany - Rights to a Special Representative and to Be Heard in Person, pp. 305-316
Lucyline Nkatha Murungi: Consolidating Family Law in Kenya, pp. 317-328
Pablo Quinzá Redondo: Spanish Matrimonial Property Regimes and CEFL Principles Regarding Property Relations
between Spouses - Common Core and Better Law, pp. 329-340
Jacqueline Gray: Identifying the Impetus behind the
Europeanization of the Private International Law Rules on Family Matters and Succession, pp. 341-351
Ian Curry-Sumner & Maria Wright: Article 15 Brussels II-bis - Two Views from Different Sides of the Channel, pp. 352-365
Vol. 17, No. 3
The Art of
Richard Heaton: Innovation and Continuity in Law Making, 13th Annual Sir William Dale Memorial Lecture, pp. 369-384
Sir Geoffrey Bowman: Is Legislation Literature? - 14th Annual Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture, pp. 385-402
Jemina Benson: Delegated Legislation in Nigeria: The Challenges of Control, pp. 403-423
Chris Land: That's Not What I Bargained For: Legislative
Materials, Comparative Intent, and the Nature of Statutory Bargains, pp. 424-439
Elohor Onoge: Structure of Legislation: A Paradigm for
Accessibility and Effectiveness, pp. 440-470
Book Reviews
Ulrich Karpen: Helen Xanthaki, Drafting Legislation - Art and Technology of Rules for Regulation, Hart Publishing (2014), pp. 471-474
Helen Xanthaki: Mathias Siems, Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press (2014), p. 275
Vol. 17, No. 4
Maria De Benedetto: Corruption and Controls, pp. 479-501
Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko: Can Imprisonment Be Cheaper? The Case for Private Prisons, pp. 502-527
Francesco De Pascalis: Financial Crime Prevention and Control - The Reforms of a 'Unique' Jurisdiction under EU Law and International Standards, pp. 528-551
Mathilde Groppo: Commonalities in the English Tort and French Criminal Wrong of Defamation, pp. 552-567
Luke Tattersall: 'Living in Sin': A Reform Proposal for Financial Relief Following Cohabitation Breakdown, pp. 568-577
Vol. 18, No. 1
Space Law
George D. Kyriakopoulos: Editorial, pp. 3-5
Tare Brisibe: Parliamentary Diplomacy in the United Nations and Progressive Development of Space Law, pp. 6-34
Steven Freeland: Peaceful Purposes? Governing the Military Uses of Outer Space, pp. 35-51
Marco Ferrazzani: The European Space Agency as a European Institution and a Space Law Maker, pp. 52-65
Jan Wouters, Philip De Man & Rik Hansen: Space Debris Remediation, Its Regulation and the Role of Europe, pp. 66-85
Ram S. Jakhu & Yaw Otu Mankata Nyampong: Some Legal Aspects of Space Natural Resources, pp. 86-104
Michael Chatzipanagiotis: Criminal Issues in International Space Law, pp. 105-119
Vol. 18, No. 2
Constantin Stefanou: Comparative Legislative Drafting - Comparing Across Legal Systems, pp. 123-138
Giuseppe Martinico: Asymmetry as an Instrument of Differentiated Integration - The Case of the European Union, pp. 139-158
Morten Jarlbeck Pedersen: Defining 'Better' - Investiga-ting a New Framework to Understand Quality of Regula-tion, pp. 159-178
Markéta Whelanová: Quo Vadis, Europa? - Loopholes in the EU Law and Difficulties in the Implementation Process, pp. 179-208
Kim O'Sullivan & Veronica Bradautanu: Enforcement of Judgments in SEE, CIS, Georgia and Mongolia -
Challenges and Solutions, pp. 209-225
Luca Di Donato: The Quality of Regulation in the Service of Preventing Corruption - Corruption Impact Assessment (CIA), pp. 226-233
Nour Mohammad: Responses to Climate Change in Bangladesh - An Appraisal, pp. 234-250
Vol. 18, No. 3
Jonathan Teasdale: Prologue: The IALS Law Reform Project, pp. 253-263
Fabio Pacini: The Italian 'Legislation-Cutting' Tool, pp. 264-274
Enrico Albanesi: The Mechanisms Used to Review Existing Legislation in the Civil Law System - Case Study Italy, pp. 275-295
William Robinson: Managing the EU Acquis, pp. 296-319
Olga Jović-Prlainović & Jelena Belović: Prohibition of Discrimination - Citizenship as a Possible Discrimi-nation Basis, pp. 320-338
Vol. 18, No. 4
Ahmad Alomar: Credibility of Sunnah, pp. 341-395
Ying Chen: ChAFTA, Trade and Food Safety - When the Rubber Hits the Road, pp. 396-450
Žygimantas Juška: A More Forceful Collective Redress Schemes in the EU Competition Law - What Is the Potential for Achieving Full Compensation?, pp. 451-477
Henry Pearce: Systems Thinking, Big Data, and Data Protection Law - Using Ackoff's Interactive Planning to Respond to Emergent Policy Challenges, pp. 478-504
Book Review
Liliana Popa: Francis Anthony Boyle, United Ireland, Human Rights and International Law, Clarity Press (2011), pp. 505-507
Vol. 19, No. 1+2
Better Regulation
Mariolina Eliantonio & Aneta Spendzharova: Editorial - The European Union's New "Better Regulation" Agenda: Between Procedures and Politics, pp. 3-15
Anne C.M. Meuwese: Regulatory Review of European Commission Impact Assessments - What Kind for Which Better Regulation Scenario?, pp. 16-33
Aneta Spendzharova, Elissaveta Radulova & Kate Surala: Get Your Money's Worth from Investment Advice -
Analysing the Clash over the Knowledge and Competence Requirements in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), pp. 34-51
Sofia Ranchordás: Consultations, Citizen Narratives and Evidence-Based Regulation - The Strange Case of the Consultation on the Collaborative Economy, pp. 52-73
Stijn Smismans: The Politicization of ex post Policy Evaluation in the EU, pp. 74-96
Paul Stephenson: Why Better Regulation Demands Better Scrutiny of Results - The European Parliament's Use of Performance Audits by the European Court of Auditors in ex post Impact Assessment, pp. 97-120
Paul Verbruggen: Private Regulation in EU Better Regulation - Past Performance and Future Promises, pp. 121-140
Mariolina Eliantonio: Alternative Forms of Regulation: Are They Really 'Better' Regulation? - A Case Study of the European Standardization Process, pp. 141-163
Vol. 19, No. 3
Carlos Ragazzo & João Marcelo da Costa e Silva Lima: Fixed Book Price Regimes - Beyond the Rift between Social and Economic Regulation, pp. 167-207
Kacper Zajac: Non-Legal Considerations in the Reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights, pp. 208-223
Zia Akhtar: French Constitution, Droit Administratif, and the Civil Code, pp. 224-240
Book Review
Ulrich Karpen: Helen Xanthaki, Drafting Legislation - Art and Technology of Rules for Regulation, Hart Publishing (2014), pp. 241-244
Vol. 19, No. 4
Better Codification
Jonathan Teasdale: Editorial - Codification: A Civil Law Solution to a Common Law Conundrum?, pp. 247-252
Patricia Popelier: Codification in a Civil Law Juris-diction: A Northern European Perspective, pp. 253-263
Enrico Albanesi: Codification in a Civil Law Jurisdiction: An Italian Perspective, pp. 264-284
Harry O'Sullivan & David Ormerod: Time for a Code: Reform of Sentencing Law in England and Wales, pp. 285-305
Agasha Mugasha: The Reform and Harmonization of Commercial Laws in the East African Community, pp. 306-336
Vol. 20, No. 1
Robert Seidman
Memorial Issue
Sean J. Kealy: Editorial - Introduction to the Professor Robert Seidman Memorial Issue, pp. 3-4
Maureen O'Rourke: In Memoriam Robert B. Seidman, pp. 5-7
Wim J.M. Voermans: From Legal Imposition to Legal Invitation - From Transplants to Mutual Learning, Benchmarks and Best-Practice-Inspiration, pp. 8-19
Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga: Implementing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development in Africa - Is It Time to Shift the Paradigm on Law and Development?, pp. 20-39
Sean J. Kealy & Alex Forney: The Reliability of Evidence in Evidence-Based Legislation, pp. 40-66
Lorna Seitz: Promoting Legislative Objectives Throughout Diverse Sub-National Jurisdictions, pp. 67-101
Vol. 20, No. 2+3
Application of the
EU Bill of Rights
in the Member States
Csongor István Nagy: The EU Bill of Rights' Diagonal Application to Member States - Comparative Perspectives of Europe's Human Rights Deficit - Editorial, pp. 3-9
Gabor Halmai: The Application of European Constitutional Values in EU Member States - The Case of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, pp. 10-34
Marie-Pierre Granger: Federalization Through Rights in the EU - A Legal Opportunities Approach, pp. 35-55
Filippo Fontanelli & Amedeo Arena: The Harmonization Potential of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union, pp. 56-77
Koen Lemmens: The Margin of Appreciation in the ECtHR's Case Law - A European Version of the Levels of Scrutiny Doctrine?, pp. 78-96
Renáta Uitz & András Sajó: The Sovereign Strikes Back - A Judicial Perspective on Multi-Layered Constitutiona-lism in Europe, pp. 97-119
Kenneth R. Stevens: Perspectives on Comparative Federalism - The American Experience in the Pre-Incorporation Era, pp. 120-128
Lee J. Strang: Incorporation Doctrine's Federalism Costs - A Cautionary Note for the European Union, pp. 129-148
Howard Schweber: The Architecture of American Rights Protections - Texts, Concepts and Institutions, pp. 149-180
Barry Sullivan: Three Tiers, Exceedingly Persuasive Justifications, and Undue Burdens - Searching for the Golden Mean in US Constitutional Law, pp. 181-240
Brett G. Scharffs: Trinity Lutheran and Its Implications for Federalism in the United States, pp. 241-258
Nicholas Aroney & James Stellios: Rights in the Australian Federation, pp. 259-269
Vol. 20, No. 4
Natalie Alkiviadou: Sustainable Enjoyment of Economic and Social Rights in Times of Crisis - Obstacles to Overcome and Bridges to Cross, pp. 3-27
Kevin Aquilina: The Suprema Lex of Malta - A Forgotten Law in Legislative Drafting, Statutory Interpretation and Law Making?, pp. 28-47
Kally K.L. Lam: Plain Language - A Promising Tool for Quality Legislation, pp. 48-77
Florentin Blanc & Michael Faure: Smart Enforcement - Theory and Practice, pp. 78-103
Vol. 21, No. 1
Constantin Stefanou: Editorial, pp. 3-4
Richard Percival: Lessons from a Single Jurisdiction with Two Governments - Governments and the Initiation of Law Reform in England and Wales, pp. 5-14
James Lee: Judging Reformers and Reforming Judges, pp. 15-32
Kathryn Cronin: Law Reform in a Federal System - The Australian Example, pp. 33-43
Betrand-Léo Combrade: Is There a Law Commission in France? About the Commission Supérieure de Codification, pp. 44-57
Nathalia Berkowitz: Legislative Reform in Post-Conflict Settings - A Practitioner's View, pp. 58-81
Vol. 21, No. 2
Franklin De Vrieze: Editorial, pp. 85-86
Tom Caygill: A Tale of Two Houses? Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the UK Parliament, pp. 87-101
Jonathan Murphy & Svitlana Mishura: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in a Non-Westminster Parliament - Oppor-tunities, Challenges and Considerations, pp. 102-117
Elena Griglio: Post-Legislative Scrutiny as a Form of Executive Oversight - Tools and Practices in Europe, pp. 118-136
Davor Jancic: Better Regulation and Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the European Union, pp. 137-153
Luka Glušac: The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Post-Legislative Scrutiny, pp. 154-168
Charles Chauvel: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in New Zealand - A Focus on Delegated Legislation, pp. 169-173
Elisabete Azevedo-Harman & Ricardo Godinho Gomes: Post-Legislative Scrutiny of the Law Against Gender-Based Violence - The Successful Story of the Cabo Verde Parliament, pp. 174-178
Francis A. Aywa & Gabriel K. Ndung'u: Post-Legislative Scrutiny in a Decentralized Setting - Opportunities from Alcoholic Drinks Regulation in Kenya, pp. 179-184
Gitta Zacharia: Post-Legislative Scrutiny and Its Impact on Legislative Oversight in Uganda Parliament, pp. 185-188
Victoria Hasson: Establishing a Legislative Scrutiny Framework - The Case of Delegated Legislation in the Parliament of South Africa, pp. 189-193
Yirah Mansaray: An Assessment of Post-Legislative Scrutiny in the Parliament of Sierra Leone, pp. 194-199
José Luis Rufas Quintana & Irmgard Anglmayer: Retrospective Policy Evaluation at the European Parliament, pp. 200-209
Annex: Championing Parliamentary Oversight - The London Declaration on Post-Legislative Scrutiny, pp. 210-213
Vol. 21, No. 3
Perspectives on
Lech Garlicki & Yaniv Roznai:
Constitutional Unamendability in Europe, pp. 217-225
Michael Hein: Constitutional Norms for All Time? General Entrenchment Clauses in the History of European Constitutionalism, pp. 226-242
Xenophon Contiades & Alkmene Fotiadou:
Constitutional Resilience and Unamendability -
Amendment Powers as Mechanisms of Constitutional Resilience, pp. 243-258
Gábor Halmai: Transitional Constitutional Unamendability?, pp. 259-277
Ergun Özbudun: Judicial Review of Constitutional Amendments in Turkey - The Question of Unamendability, pp. 278-290
Ali Acar: A View on the Future of Judicial Review of
Constitutional Amendments in Turkey - An Invitation to Judicial Dialogue, pp. 291-312
Ondřej Preuss: The Eternity Clause - Lessons from the Czech Example, pp. 313-328
Pietro Faraguna: Unamendability and Constitutional Identity in the Italian Constitutional Experience, pp. 329-344
Catarina Santos Botelho: Constitutional Narcissism on the Couch of Psychoanalysis - Constitutional Unamendability in Portugal and Spain, pp. 345-375
Manfred Stelzer: Limited Constitutional Amendment Powers in Austria?, pp. 376-384
Tuomas Ojanen: Constitutional Unamendability in the Nordic Countries, pp. 385-402
Suzie Navot & Yaniv Roznai: From Supra-Constitutional Principles to the Misuse of Constituent Power in Israel, pp. 403-423
Vol. 21, No. 4
Victor Chimienti: The New Regulation Governing AIR, VIR and Consultation - A Further Step Forward Towards ‘Better Regulation’ in Italy, pp. 427-496
Ulrich Karpen: Reunification, Integration and Unification of Law - Germany and Korea, pp. 497-504
Rebecca-Emmanuela Papadopoulou: The European Union and Space - A ‘Star Wars’ Saga?, pp. 505-525
Shabir Korotana: Economic Inequality, Capitalism and Law - Imperfect Realization of Juridical Equality, the Right to Property and Freedom of Contract, pp. 526-544
Katsuhiro Musashi: Parliamentary Control over Delegated
Legislation in Japan, pp. 545-561
Matthew Jolley: Independence and Implementation - In Harmony and in Tension, pp. 562-591
Adam Bushby: Law Reform and the Executive, pp. 592-602
Edward Donelan: Law Reform in Ireland - Implementation and Independence of Law Reform Commission, pp. 603-626
Book Review
Christiana Fountoulakis: Brödermann Eckart J., UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, An Article-by-Article Commentary, Baden-Baden (Germany):
Nomos, 2018. XCVIII, 433 pp., pp. 627-629
Giulia Adriana Pennisi: A Linguistic Insight into the Legislative Drafting of English-Speaking Jurisdictions -
The Use of 'Singular They' pp. 3-19
William Robinson: Gender Neutrality in EU Legislative Drafting, pp. 20-38
Thomas Glyn Watkin: Gender-Neutral Drafting - A View from Wales, pp 39-48
Maria De Benedetto: Gender and Language - A Public Law Perspective, pp. 49-60
Ana Marrades: Language and Gender - The Importance of Including a Gender Perspective in the Language of the Constitutional Reform in Spain, pp. 61-71
Vol. 22, No. 1
Gender and the Law
Remaining issues and download links coming soon...
Enrico Albanesi & Jonathan Teasdale: Parliamentary Scrutiny of Law Reform in Recently Established Constitutional Democracies and in the Commonwealth Sphere, pp. 75-84
Oriola Sallavaci: Parliamentary Scrutiny of Law Reform in Albania - Bodies, Procedures and Methods, pp. 85-104
Sara Razai: Reflections on the Rule of Law and Law Reform in the Arab Region, pp. 105-114
Jacinta Dharmananda: Re-examining the Relationship between Parliament and the Law Reform Commissions -
An Australian Perspective, pp. 115-135
Ciarán Burke: Parliamentary Follow-up of Law Commission
Bills - An Irish Perspective, pp. 136-163
Andrew Makower & Liam Laurence Smyth: Law Reform Bills in the Parliament of the United Kingdom, pp. 164-179
Vol. 22, No. 2
Scrutiny of Law
Edgardo Muñoz & Ines Morfín Kroepfly: New Sales and Contract Law in Argentina and France - Models for Reform Inspired by the CISG and the PICC?, pp. 183-208
Tshepo Mokgothu: Building Legislative Frameworks -
Domestication of the Financial Action Task Force
Recommendations, pp. 209-236
Pamela Nika: The ECB's Independence and the Principle of
Separation, pp. 237-265
Namitasha Goring, Beverley Beckford & Simone Bowman: The Windrush Scandal - A Review of Citizenship, Belonging and Justice in the United Kingdom, pp. 266-302
Gabriella Saputelli: Regional Differentiation in Europe, between EU Proposals and National Reforms, pp. 303-329
Book Review
M.I Kouskouna: Manolis Perakis, Exiting the European Union. Legal Procedure, Dimensions and Implications, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019) 209 pages, pp. 330-332
Vol. 22, No. 3
Franklin De Vrieze & Constantin Stefanou: Are Emergency Measures in Response to COVID-19 a Threat to Democracy?, pp. 335-337
Joelle Grogan: States of Emergency - Analysing Global Use of Emergency Powers in Response to COVID-19, pp. 338-354
David A. Thirlby: Does the Fight Against the Pandemic Risk Centralizing Power in Pakistan?, pp. 355-368
Hon Kate Doust MLC & Mr Sam Hastings: Legislative Scrutiny in Times of Emergency - A Case Study of Australian Parliaments, pp. 369-383
Lianne van Kalken & Evert Stamhuis: Digital Equals -Public Assembly Meetings Under a Lockdown Regime, pp. 384-397
Elena Griglio: Governments as Covid-19 Lawmakers in France, Italy and Spain - Continuity or Discontinuity, pp. 398-413
Maria Diaz Crego & Silvia Kotanidis: Emergency Measures in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis and Parliamentary Oversight in the EU Member States, pp. 414-438
Victoria Jennett: Covid-19 Emergency Prison Release Policy: A Public Health Imperative and a Rule of Law
Challenge, pp. 439-447
Alex Read: Increased Uptake of Surveillance Technologies
During COVID-19 - Implications for Democracies in the Global South, pp. 448-467
Sonia Palmieri & Sarah Childs: Patience, Ladies - Gender-Sensitive Parliamentary Responses in a Time of Crisis, pp. 468-483
Vol. 22, No. 4
Covid and
Amelie Nourrice: Curbing Drug Use in the Seychelles through Regulation beyond Legislation, pp. 3-36
Nicola Pierre: Reducing Ethnic Conflict in Guyana through Political Reform, pp. 37-68
Nomalanga Pearl Gule: The Hallmarks of the Legislative Drafting Process in Common Law Systems: A Comparative Study of Eswatini and Ghana, pp. 69-94
Mikang Chae: Parliamentary Control of Delegated Legislation - Lessons from a Comparative Study of the UK Parliament and the Korean National Assembly, pp. 95-114
Laingane Italeli Talia: Unwrapping the Effectiveness Test as a Measure of Legislative Quality - A Case Study of the Tuvalu Climate Change Resilience Act 2019, pp. 115-143
Vol. 23, No. 1
Hatem Mabrouk: Beyond Speculation - The Transformative Power of Blockchain Technology in Various Industries, pp. 3-26
Frank Emmert: The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in the United States of America, pp. 27-122
Maurice van Oosten & Laurens Hillen: MiCA: The Introduction of an EU-wide Regulatory Framework for Cryptoassets, pp. 123-142
Ying Chen & Michael Adams: The Regulation of Digital Currency in China - Past, Present, and Future, pp. 143-160
Marcel Hostettler & Piotr Wojtowicz: The Swiss Association as a Legal Wrapper for a Global DAO and vis-à-vis the MiCA Regime, pp. 161-172
James Burnie & Meghan Millward: The United Kingdom Cryptoasset Regulatory Framework, pp. 173-183
To Van Hoa & To Vu Nhat Minh: Cryptocurrency Regulation in a Robust Market - The Vietnamese Approach, pp. 184-193
Nivedita Pundale: The Crypto Regime in India: A Confused Policy, pp. 194-213
Douglas J. Pepe, Marvin J. Lowenthal & Randall W. Bryer: Property Rights in Blockchain Assets: Emerging Issues from a U.S. Perspective, pp. 214-226
Adam Kashin: Wyoming’s DAO Statutes - A Model for Wider Adoption, pp. 227-244
Rick Tapia, Andrew Bull & Tyler Harttraft: DAO Regulation and Legislation, pp. 245-256
Kaleb Britton: NFTs - The Regulatory Response and the Current and Future Legal Status, pp. 257-269
Mihnea Constantinescu: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Innovation Transcending Public Money, pp. 270-298