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Aid Effectiveness Resources

Literature and Websites

CILP is sharing literature and other resources. Additional entries and links will be added on a regular basis... 

Useful Websites

AidData - a Research Lab at William & Mary University

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)

Useful Literature, with a Focus on Open Access Materials

Acemoglu, Daron & James A. Robinson: Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge Univ. Press 2006

Adelman, Sam & Abdul Paliwala (eds): The Limits of Law and Development - Neoliberalism, Governance and Social Justice, Routledge 2022, ISBN 9780367528003

Åhman, Joachim: Facts, Evidence and the Burden of Proof in the World Bank Group Sanctions System, Journal of Int'l Economic Law 2020, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 685-702

Aka, Philip: Bosnia as a Civic State and Global Citizen - Alternative Futures Outside the EU, Rowman & Littlefield 2021, ISBN 978-1538-1599-03

Andreopoulos, George, Rosemary L. Barberet & Mahesh K. Nalla (eds): The Rule of Law in an Era of Change - Responses to Transnational Challenges, Springer 2018

Arajärvi, Noora: The Core Requirements of the International Rule of Law in the Practice of States, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2021, Vol. 13, pp. 173-193 available free of charge!

Ashoff, Guido & Stephan Klingebiel: Development Policy is in a Systemic Crisis and Faces the Challenge of a More Complex System Environment, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Discussion Paper 9/2014, available free of charge from DIE or Prof. Klingebiel or the CILP!

Bearce, David & Daniel Tirone: Foreign Aid Effectiveness and the Strategic Goals of Donor Governments, The Journal of Politics 2010, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 837-851

Begović, Boris & Dragor Hiber: EU Democratic Rule of Law Promotion: The Case of Serbia, Stanford, 2006

Berkowitz, Daniel, Katharina Pistor & Jean-Francois Richard: The Transplant Effect, Am. J. Comp. Law 2003, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 163-203

Legal reforms have accompanied and have often played the central role in technical assistance programs around the world. The first law and development movement launched after World War II by legal scholars primarily from the United States brought new legal codes to countries in Latin America, Africa, and - to a lesser extent - in Asia. The major protagonists of this movement announced its failure in 1974. They conceded that well meaning reform efforts had been based on bold assumptions about the functioning of legal systems that were neither backed by a well developed theory nor had been tested empirically in their home country (the U.S.A.). Scholars and policy advisors were therefore unprepared for the challenges of the second major law and development movement that was launched after the collapse of the socialist systems in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This proved essentially a repetition of the first movement: legal experts, including scholars and practitioners, swarmed formerly socialist economies with constitutions, codes, statutes, and regulations. [...] Proponents of the German or Dutch civil codes, American corporate law, European corporate law harmonization directives, English or American securities market and antitrust regulations, or newly designed model laws for secured transactions marketed the value of Western law to their counterparts in the East, backing their campaign to transplant their home legal system with financial aid promises and/or the prospect of joining the European Union. Ten years after the inception of the second law and development movement, countries in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Baltic region by and large follow European models at least in the area of commercial law. In the former Soviet Union, by contrast, the United States model has had a substantial impact in particular on corporate and bankruptcy laws. Moreover, many countries borrowed from different legal systems [...]. The scope of legal reforms undertaken in transition economies during this period has been likened to a legislative tornado. Yet, the results of these efforts have been mixed. While nobody has yet stood up and declared the death of the second law and development movement, there is a broad consensus that the impact of legal reform efforts has been at best limited. The most common complaint is that while the transplanted law is now on the books, the enforcement of these new laws is quite ineffective. In fact, empirical analysis suggests that there is little correlation between the level of legal protection afforded by statutes on the one hand, and measures for the effectiveness of legal institutions on the other. While Russia today can boast with the most refined corporate law in the region thanks to American advisors, shareholder rights are systematically trampled and Russia performs poorly on performance measures for the effectiveness of the judiciary and the trustworthiness of legal and administrative institutions. [...]

Bernstein, Jake: Secrecy World - Inside the Panama Papers, Illicit Money Networks, and the Global Elite, Picador 2017

Bourguignon, François & Mark Sundberg: Aid Effectiveness – Opening the Black Box, American Economic Review 2007, Vol. 97, No. 2, pp. 316-321

Bracho, Gerardo, Richard Carey, William Hynes, Stephan Klingebiel & Alexandra Trzeciak-Duval (eds): Origins, Evolution and Future of Global Development Cooperation - The Role of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik 2021. This book is available free of charge from DIE or Prof. Klingebiel or the CILP!

Bracking, Sarah: Corruption & State Capture: What Can Citizens Do?, Daedalus 2018, Vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 169-183

Browne, Stephen: Aid and Influence - Patronage, Power and Politics, Routledge 2022, ISBN 9780367681555

From the publisher's website: This book turns the argument about aid effectiveness on its head. Since development assistance is inherently self-interested, a source of soft power, political manipulation and commercial opportunity, its real effectiveness could arguably be judged by the strength of donor influence and not by development impact. Its subjective nature means that its impact on development is often weak, mainly short-term and confined to limited and specific contexts.

Aid as influence was prevalent during the Cold War era. The connection is equally strong in this century’s newly bipolar world in which the contest is between western donors led by the United States, and China which is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on infrastructure as a means of influence in the global South. Influence permeates both bilateral and multilateral aid and in parallel with official aid, the rise of global philanthropy has seen it taken up by some of today’s billionaires.

The response by donors to the growing havoc caused by the three Cs – conflict, climate change and COVID-19 – confirms the main findings of the book, which concludes by outlining what aid without influence would look like. This book draws on the author's 40 years of experience of the aid industry and will be essential reading for development students, practitioners and policy makers alike.

Brownlee, Jason: Imperial Designs, Empirical Dilemmas: Why Foreign-Led State Building Fails, Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Working Paper No. 40, June 2005

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce & Alastair Smith: The Dictator’s Handbook - Why Bad Behavior Is Almost Always Good Politics, Public Affairs 2012

Bullough, Oliver: The Rise of Kleptocracy - The Dark Side of Globalization, Journal of Democracy 2018, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 25-38, with many additional references

Bullough, Oliver: Moneyland - The Inside Story of the Crooks and Kleptocrats Who Rule the World, St. Martin's Press 2019

Burgis, Tom: The Looting Machine - Warlords, Oligarchs, Corporations, Smugglers, and the Theft of Africa's Wealth, Public Affairs 2015

Burgis, Tom: Kleptopia - How Dirty Money Is Conquering the World, Harper 2021

Burns, William J., Michele Flournoy & Nancy Lindborg: U.S. Leadership and the Challenge of State Fragility, Carnegie Endowment of Int'l Peace 2016, available free of charge!

Byman, Daniel L.: Keeping the Peace - Lasting Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 2002

Caplan, Richard (ed): Exit Strategies and State Building, Oxford Univ. Press 2012

Colonial Administrations

Peace Support Operations

International Administrations

Military Occupations

Thematic Issues

Carothers, Thomas: Aiding Democracy Abroad - The Learning Curve, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 1999

Carothers, Thomas (ed): Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad - in Search of Knowledge, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2006

Carothers, Thomas & Diane de Gramont: Development Aid Confronts Politics: The Almost Revolution, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2013

Carothers, Thomas & Saskia Brechenmacher: Closing Space: Democracy and Human Rights Support Under Fire, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2014, available free of charge!

Cassara, John: Trade-Based Money Laundering, Wiley 2015, ISBN 978-1119078951

Cassare, John: Money Laundering and Illicit Financial Flows: Following the Money and Value Trails, 2020, ISBN 979-8645880606

Chaturvedi, Sachin, Heiner Janus, Stephan Klingebiel, Xiaoyun Li, André de Mello e Souza, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos & Dorothea Wehrmann (eds): The Palgrave Handbook of Development Cooperation for Achieving the 2030 Agenda, Palgrave Macmillan 2021. This book is available free of charge!

Chayes, Sarah: Thieves of State - Why Corruption Threatens Global Security, Norton & Co. 2015

Chayes, Sarah: When Corruption Is the Operating System: The Case of Honduras, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2017, available free of charge!

Christakis, Nicholas: Blueprint - The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society, Hachette 2019, ISBN 978-0-316-23003-2

Collier, Paul: The Bottom Billion - Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, Oxford Univ. Press 2007

Cooley, Alexander, John Heathershaw & J.C. Sharman: The Rise of Kleptocracy - Laundering Cash, Whitewashing Reputations, Journal of Democracy 2018, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 39-53, with many additional references

Coolidge, Jacqueline & Susan Rose-Ackerman: Kleptocracy and Reform in African Regimes: Theory and Examples, in Hope, K.R., Chikulo, B.C. (eds) Corruption and Development in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan 2000

Corstens, Geert: Understanding the Rule of Law, Hart Publ. 2017

Cremona, Marise: Values in EU Foreign Policy, in Malcolm Evans & Panos Koutrakos (eds), Beyond the Established Legal Orders - Policy Interconnections Between the EU and the Rest of the World, Oxford, 2011, pp. 273-316

Czarnota, Adam, Martin Krygier & Wojciech Sadurski (eds): Rethinking the Rule of Law After Communism, CEU Press 2005

Das, Vasudev: Kleptocracy in Nigeria, Journal of Financial Crime 2018, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 57-69

Dawisha, Karen: Putin's Kleptocracy - Who Owns Russia?, Simon & Schuster 2014

de Waal, Thomas: The Caucasus - an Introduction, Oxford Univ. Press 2018

Demetriades, Panicos & Radosveta Vassileva: Money Laundering and Central Bank Governance in the European Union, Journal of Int'l Economic Law, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 509-533

Deutscher, Eckhard & Sara Fyson: Improving the Effectiveness of Aid, Finance & Development 2008, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 15-19

Di John, Jonathan: Conceptualising the Causes and Consequences of Failed States: A Critical Review of the Literature, Crisis States Working Paper No. 25, London School of Economics 2008

Dobbins, James, Seth Jones, Keith Crane & Beth Cole DeGrasse: The Beginner's Guide to Nation-Building, Rand 2007

Dobson, William J.: The Dictator’s Learning Curve - Inside the Global Battle for Democracy, Anchor Books 2013

Doucouliagos, Hristos & Martin Paldam: The Aid Effectiveness Literature: The Sad Results of 40 Years of Research, Journal of Economic Surveys 2009, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 433-461

Doucouliagos, Hristos & Martin Paldam: Conditional Aid Effectiveness: A Meta-Study, Journal of International Development 2009, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 391-410

Elbasani, Arolda (ed): European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans, Routledge 2013

Emmert, Frank: Market Economy, Democracy, or Rule of Law - What Would You Pick, if You Had to Choose? in Epiney/Haag/Heinemann (eds.), Challenging Boundaries - Essays in Honor of Roland Bieber, Baden-Baden 2007, pp. 104-116

Emmert, Frank: Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe, Fordham International Law Journal 2009, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 551-586

Emmert, Frank: The Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in New Member States of the Council of Europe - Conclusions Drawn and Lessons Learned, in Leonard Hammer/Frank Emmert (eds), The Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Central and Eastern Europe, The Hague 2012, pp. 597-645

Emmert, Frank & Siniša Petrović: The Past, Present and Future of EU Enlargement, Fordham International Law Journal 2014, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 1349-1419

Fagan, Adam & Indraneel Sircar: Judicial Independence in the Western Balkans: Is the EU's 'New Approach' Changing Judicial Practices?, Maxcap Working Paper No. 11, June 2015, available free of charge!

Fengler, Wolfgang & Homi Kharas (eds): Delivering Aid Differently - Lessons from the Field, Brookings 2010, ISBN 978-0-8157-0490-5

Garoupa, Nuno & Tom Ginsburg: Guarding the Guardians: Judicial Councils and Judicial Independence, Univ. of Chicago John M. Olin Law & Economics Working Paper No. 444 = Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper #250 of 2008, available free of charge!

Getoš Kalac, Anna-Maria: Development of Monitoring Instruments for Judicial and Law Enforcement Institutions in the Western Balkans 2009-2011, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, EU CARDS Regional Action Programme, April 2010, available free of charge!

Ghani, Ashraf: Fixing Failed States - A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008

Gibbons, Connor: Equity Crowdfunding Economic Growth in African Countries: a Framework, Case Western Reserve J. Int'l Law 2022, Vol. 54, No. 1&2, pp. 447-475

Grabowska-Moroz, Barbara: Understanding the Best Practices in the Area of the Rule of Law, Reconnect Work Package 8, Deliverable 8.1, EU Commission 2020, available free of charge!

Hatchard, John: Combating Corruption - Legal Approaches to Supporting Good Governance and Integrity in Africa, Eward Elgar 2014

Hatchard, John: Combating Money Laundering in Africa - Dealing with the Problem of PEPs, Edward Elgar 2022, ISBN: 978 1 80392 604 9

Hirschfeld, Katherine: Gangster States - Organized Crime, Kleptocracy and Political Collapse, Palgrave Macmillan 2015

Hoxhaj, Andi: The EU Rule of Law Initiative Towards the Western Balkans, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2021, Vol. 13, pp. 143-172 available free of charge!

Jackson, Vicki & Yasmin Dawood: Constitutionalism and a Right to Effective Government?, Cambridge Univ. Press 2022

Jarstad, Anna K. & Timothy D. Sisk (eds): From War to Democracy - Dilemmas of Peacebuilding, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), 2008

Jelić, Ivana & Dimitrios Kapetanakis: European Judicial Supervision of the Rule of Law: The Protection of the Independence of National Judges by the CJEU and the ECtHR, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 2021, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 45-77

While an independent judiciary is considered an indispensable component of the rule of law, attacks of the domestic political power on the independence of the judicial branch are observed today in several European States. The European judges (CJUE, ECtHR) appear to be the “last soldier standing” in the defense of judicial independence and they have in no case remained indifferent. This contribution contains an analysis of the dynamic approaches that the CJEU and the ECtHR have adopted in order to reinforce the guarantees of independence that domestic judges enjoy under European Law (EU and ECHR law). An emphasis is put on the international judicial function of these Courts as protective and promoting judicial independence at the national level, arguing that both Courts assumed their role as guarantors of the common European value of the rule of law through a proactive stance, without going, however, to the extremes. Furthermore, the paper provides an examination on the fact that the European Courts have adopted measures in order to assure the effectiveness of the European guarantees of judicial independence. A particular focus is put on the protection through interim measures as a means of assuring an effective protection of the independence of national judges. Considering a comparative analysis, the issue of the ECtHR’s potential in this regard is hereby tackled, notably after the recent evolution in the case-law of the CJEU.

Judah, Tim: Kosovo - War and Revenge, Yale Univ. Press, 2000

Judah, Tim: Kosovo - What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008

Junne, Gerd & Willemijn Verkoren: Postconflict Development - Meeting New Challenges, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London, 2005

Kaufmann, Daniel: Aid Effectiveness and Governance - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Development Outreach 2009, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 26-29

Kebbell, Sarah: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance and the Legal Profession, Routledge 2022, ISBN 9781032148717

Keijzer, Nils, Stephan Klingebiel & Fabian Scholtes: Promoting Ownership in a "Post-Aid Effectiveness" World: Evidence from Rwanda and Liberia, Development Policy Review 2019, Vol. 38, Issue S1, pp. 32-49

King, Iain & Whit Mason: Peace at Any Price - How the World Failed Kosovo, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2006

Kinzer, Stephen: Overthrow - America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq, Times Books 2008, ISBN 978-0-8050-8240-1

Kleinfeld, Rachel: Advancing the Rule of Law Abroad: Next Generation Reform, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2012

Kleinfeld, Rachel: Improving Development Aid Design and Evaluation - Plan for Sailboats, Not Trains, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2015, available free of charge!

Klingebiel, Stephan, Mario Negre & Pedro Morazán: Costs, Benefits and the Political Economy of Aid Coordination: The Case of the European Union, The European Journal of Development Research 2017, Vol. 29, pp. 144-159

Klingebiel, Stephan & Victoria Gonsor: Development Policy from a Systemic Perspective: Changes, Trends and Its Future Role Within a Broader Framework for Transnational Co-operation, Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional 2020, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 1-22

Kramer, Matthew H.: Objectivity and the Rule of Law, Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy and Law, Cambridge Univ. Press 2007

Krzalic, Armin: Corruption Risk Assessment in the Security Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Centre for Security Studies, Sarajevo, 2015, available free of charge!

Lake, David: The Statebuilder's Dilemma - On the Limits of Foreign Intervention, Cornell Univ. Press 2016

Linarelli, John, Margot Salomon & M. Sornarajah: The Misery of International Law - Confrontations with Injustice in the Global Economy, Oxford Univ Press 2018

Loxeley, John & Harry A. Sackey: Aid Effectiveness in Africa, African Development Review 2008, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 163-199

Magen, Amichai: The Shadow of Enlargement: Can the European Neighbourhood Policy Achieve Compliance? Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Working Paper No. 68, Stanford, Aug 2006

Maxeiner, James: Legal Indeterminacy Made in America: U.S. Legal Methods and the Rule of Law, Valparaiso Univ. Law Review 2006, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 517-589

May, Christopher & Adam Winchester (eds): Handbook on the Rule of Law, Edward Elgar 2018

Part I: Defining the Rule of Law

Part II: The History of the Rule of Law

Part III: Institutions of the Rule of Law

Part IV: Contextualising the Rule of Law

Part V: Applying the Rule of Law

Michaels, Ralph, Véronica Ruíz Abou-Nigm, & Hans van Loon (eds): The Private Side of Transforming Our World - UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law, Intersentia 2021, ISBN 9781839701665

Michel, Casey: American Kleptocracy: How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History, St. Martin's Press 2021

Mooney, Lelia (ed): Promoting the Rule of Law - A Practitioner's Guide to Key Issues and Developments, ABA Section of Int'l Law 2013

Moser, Carolyn: Accountability in EU Security and Defence: The Law and Practice of Peacebuilding, Oxford Univ. Press 2020

Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina: The Quest for Good Governance - How Societies Develop Control of Corruption, Cambridge Univ. Press 2015

Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina: Seven Steps to Control of Corruption: The Road Map, Daedalus 2018, Vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 20-34

Murray, Warwick, John Overton & Kelle Howson (eds): Ethical Value Networks in International Trade - Social Justice, Sustainability and Provenance in the Global South, Edward Elgar 2022, ISBN: 978 1 80037 449 2

Newman, Edward, Roland Paris & Oliver P. Richmond (eds): New Perspectives on Liberal Peacebuilding, United Nations University Press, New York, 2009

Obermayer, Bastian & Frederik Obermaier: The Panama Papers - Breaking the Story of How the Rich & Powerful Hide Their Money, OneWorld Books 2017

O’Donnell, Guillermo & Philippe C. Schmitter: Transitions from Authoritarian Rule - Tentative Conclusions About Uncertain Democracies, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1986

Page, Matthew & Jodi Vittori: Dubai's Role in Facilitating Corruption and Global Illicit Financial Flows, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace 2020 open access

Papadimitriou, Dimitris & Petar Petrov: Whose Rule, Whose Law? Contested Statehood, External Leverage and the European Union’s Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo, Journal of Common Market Studies 2012, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 746-763

Paris, Roland: At War's End - Building Peace After Civil Conflict, Cambridge Univ. Press 2004

Paris, Roland & Timothy D. Sisk (eds): The Dilemmas of Statebuilding - Confronting the Contradictions of Postwar Peace Operations, Routledge 2009

Pârvulescu, Sorana, Ana Demsorean & Bogdan Vetrici-Şoimu: Evaluating EU Democratic Rule of Law Promotion - Country Report Romania, Bucharest, 2005

Prenga, Besarta: Dealing with the Past: Conventional Truth, Inconvenient Truth or Unpopular Truth About Kosovo, Int'l Journal of Rule of Law, Transitional Justice and Human Rights 2015, Vol. 6, pp. 155-162

Radelet, Steven: Aid Effectiveness and the Millennium Development GoalsCenter for Global Development Working Paper No. 39, 2008

Rodin, Sinisa & Tamara Peresin (eds): Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe, Springer 2015

Rodney, Walter: How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Black Classic Press 1972

Rose-Ackerman, Susan & Bonnie J. Palifka: Corruption and Government - Causes, Consequences, and Reform, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2nd ed. 2016

Rotberg, Robert: Failed States, Collapsed States, Weak States: Causes and Indicators, in Robert Rotberg (ed), State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror, Brookings Institution Press 2003

Rotberg, Robert (ed): When States Fail - Causes and Consequences, Princeton Univ. Press 2004

Rotberg, Robert (ed): Corruption, Global Security, and World Order, Brookings Institution 2009

Rotberg, Robert (ed): On Governance - What It Is, What It Measures and Its Policy Uses, Center for Int'l Governance Innovation 215 (examines more than 90 governance indexes and analyzes best practices to suggest how policymakers can use governance theory and indexes to improve both domestic and multilateral decision-making)

Rotberg, Robert: The Corruption Cure - How Citizens & Leaders Can Combat Graft, Princeton Univ. Press 2017

Rotberg, Robert: Accomplishing Anticorruption: Propositions and Methods, Daedalus, Summer 2018

Rothstein, Bo: The Quality of Government - Corruption, Social Trust, and Inequality in International Perspective, Univ. of Chicago Press 2011

Rothstein, Bo & Aiysha Varraich: Making Sense of Corruption, Cambridge Univ. Press 2017

Rudolph, Joseph R. jr & William J. Lahneman: From Mediation to Nation Building - Third Parties and the Management of Communal Conflict, Lexington Books, Lanham et al., 2013

Sannerholm, Richard Z.: Rule of Law After War and Crisis - Ideologies, Norms and Methods, Intersentia 2012

Shapiro, Ian (ed): The Rule of Law, New York Univ. Press 1994

Part I: Democracy and the Rule of Law

Part II: Justice and the Rule of Law

Part III: Rationality and the Rule of Law

Part IV: Limits to the Rule of Law

Sharman, J.C.: The Despot's Guide to Wealth Management - on the International Campaign Against Grand Corruption, Cornell Univ. Press 2017

Shaxson, Nicholas: Treasure Islands - Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens, St. Martin's Griffin 2011

Shaxson, Nicholas: The Finance Curse - How Global Finance Is Making Us All Poorer, Grove Press 2019

Silkenat, James, James Hickey & Peter Barenboim (eds): The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat), Springer 2014

Simion, Kristina: Rule of Law Intermediaries - Brokering Influence in Myanmar, Cambridge Univ. Press 2021

Staton, Jeffrey, Christopher Reenock & Jordan Holsinger: Can Courts Be Bulwarks of Democracy?, Cambridge Univ. Press 2022

Stiglitz, Joseph E.: Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited: Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump, Norton & Co. 2017

Stith, Richard: Securing the Rule of Law Through Interpretative Pluralism: An Argument from Comparative Law, Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 2008, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 401-447

Tamanaha, Brian, On the Rule of Law - History, Politics, Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press 2004

Teachout, Zephyr: The Problem of Monopolies & Corporate Public Corruption, Daedalus 2018, Vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 111-126

Thomas, Caroline & Peter Wilkin (eds): Globalization and the South, Macmillan 1997

Thornton, Christy: Revolution in Development - Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy, Univ. of California Press 2021

Tolstrup, Jakob: When Can External Actors Influence Democratization? Leverage, Linkages, and Gatekeeper Elites, Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Working Paper No. 118, Stanford, July 2010

Trebilcock, Michael & Ronald J. Daniels: Rule of Law Reform and Development - Charting the Fragile Path of Progress, Edward Elgar 2008

Trebilcock, Michael & Mariana Mota Prado: What Makes Poor Countries Poor? Institutional Determinants of Development, Edward Elgar 2011

Tushnet, Mark: The New Fourth Branch - Institutions for Protecting Constitutional Democracy, Cambridge Univ. Press 2022

Uildriks, Niels: Mexico's Unrule of Law - Implementing Human Rights in Police and Judicial Reform under Democratization, Rowan & Littlefield 2010

United States Institute of Peace, United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute: Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction, United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington DC, 2009

Vachudova, Milada Anna: Democratization in Postcommunist Europe: Illiberal Regimes and the Leverage of International Actors, Stanford Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Working Paper No. 69, Stanford, Sept 2006

Venner, Mary: Donors, Technical Assistance and Public Administration in Kosovo, Manchester Univ. Press 2016

Wolf, Mark: The World Needs an International Anti-Corruption Court, Daedalus 2018, Vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 144-156

Woodward, Susan: The Ideology of Failed States - Why Intervention Fails, Cambridge Univ. Press 2017

Youngs, Richard (ed): The European Union and Democracy Promotion - a Critical Global Assessment, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press 2010

Youngs, Richard: Europe's Eastern Crisis: The Geopolitics of Asymmetry, Cambridge Univ. Press 2017

Zucman, Gabriel: The Hidden Wealth of Nations - The Scourge of Tax Havens, Univ. of Chicago Press 2015

Zuercher, Christoph: Is More Better? Evaluating External-Led State Building After 1989, Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, Working  Paper No. 54, April 2006

Zupančič, Rok & Nina Pejič: Limits to the European Union’s Normative Power in a Post-conflict Society: EULEX and Peacebuilding in Kosovo, Springer 2018

Zürn, Michael, André Nollkaemper & Randall Peerenboom (eds): Rule of Law Dynamics - In an Era of International and Transnational Governance, Cambridge Univ. Press 2012

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