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Prof. Dr. João Relvão Caetano

João is professor of law and political science and Pro-Rector for Legal and Institutional Affairs at the Open University of Portugal (Universidade Aberta), as well as co-director of the PhD program in Global Studies, and the CIPSH/UNESCO Chair in Global Studies. He was a member of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, appointed by the Portuguese state, and teaches European Union law and politics.





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Denise Chisveto

Denise is a Master of Laws (LL.M.) candidate in the World Trade Law track at Indiana University McKinney School of Law. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from the University of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). Her interests revolve around international trade, international investment law, international business transactions, contracts management, and international commercial arbitration, and how they affect different constituents, including companies and civil society in developing countries. Denise is a 2022 McKinney Climate Fellow and a research associate for Sagamore Institute on Africa Rising projects. She will contribute research to the aid effectiveness project and the international investment law group. The research will feed into her LL.M. thesis and plans for pursuit of PhD studies thereafter.

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Prof. Dr. Antonietta Elia

Antonietta is Senior Associate Fellow in Law, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 2014-); Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights, Inter-American Academy of Human Rights, Saltillo (Mexico, 2020-); Distinguished Professor of International Law, SGT School of Law (India, 2020-); Member of the Team of Professors of the School for Legal Professions of University of Rome III (Italy, 2020-2023).

Antonietta is also an External Associate Legal Expert at the European Asylum Support Office (EASO, 2020-); Council of Europe Select Legal Expert for European Human Rights Standards Implementation Projects in Armenia, Turkey, and Moldova (2018-); UNAIDS Expert Practitioner on Human Rights and HIV (2018-); and Vice-Director of the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue (France, 2020-). She is a member of the Mediterranean Network of Experts on Climate Change and lead author of the First Assessment Report on the Impact of Climate Change and Environmental Harms into the Mediterranean Region, awarded by the Council of Europe with the North-South Prize 2020. In 2021, she was appointed as Senior Legal Expert to the Italian Interministerial Committee for Human Rights, and nominated for the Global Leadership Prize.


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Prof. Dr. Frank Emmert, LL.M., FCIArb

Frank is the John S. Grimes Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Int'l and Comparative Law at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. He teaches Int'l Business Transactions, Int'l Commercial Arbitration, Int'l Trade Law, Int'l Investment Law, and EU Law, and has published more than 100 books and articles in these areas of law, including several on rule of law and institutional and court reform in Central and Eastern Europe. He frequently speaks at conferences around the world and serves as a consultant and arbitrator in int'l business disputes. For more information please visit Indiana University (contact info & CV), Chartered Institute of ArbitratorsBlockchain Law AllianceResearch GateSSRN, Consultant and Arbitrator WebsiteArt ProjectsInstagram




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Prof. Dr. Stephan Klingebiel

Stephan is Head of the Research Program „Inter- and transnational cooperation“ at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungs-politik (DIE) in Bonn, Germany (2011-2019 and again since 2021). He was Director of the UNDP Global Policy Centre in Seoul, Republic of Korea (June 2019 to June 2021). Stephan was Founding Director (2007 – 2011) of the KfW Development Bank office in Kigali, Rwanda, in charge of Germany’s financial cooperation with the partner country. Before he joined DIE in 1993, he was researcher at the University of Duisburg (Institute for Development and Peace). His research and university teaching focuses on innovations for inter- and transnational cooperation, political economy of aid, aid & development effectiveness, global public goods, rising powers, and governance and conflict issues.  He was a guest researcher at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at Stanford University and the College of Humanities and Development Studies at the China Agricultural University (CAU) in Beijing.  From 2011 to 2019 he was a regular Visiting Professor at Stanford University. Since 2014, Stephan Klingebiel is Senior Lecturer at the University of Marburg.  In addition, he is an Honorary Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Sustainability, O.P. Jindal Global University, India.



Kaltrina Kodraliu

Kaltrina currently works as a Legal Associate in Sejdiu & Qerkini Law Firm in Pristina, Kosovo. At the same time, she is researching for her master's thesis at the Faculty of Law, LL.M in Criminal Law. She graduated from the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Law, and has attended several courses at the University of Sapienza in Rome in the field of human rights, international law, and internatio-nal criminal law. Among other things, she started her professional experience as a Legal Intern in the Court of Appeals of the Republic of Kosovo in the Serious Crimes Department and the General Department, continuing as a Legal Officer within the USAID JSSP (Justice Strengthening System Program) project in the Prishtina Basic Court and the Court of Appeals of Kosovo supporting second-degree judges in civil matters. In addition, Kaltrina has served as a Legal Fellow at the Prosecution Office at the United Nations - International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.



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Albian Krasniqi

Albian holds an MSc in Development Economics from the University of Sussex. Currently, he is working as a macroeconomic analyst at the Ministry of Finance of Kosovo, and as a teaching assistant at the University of Prishtina. Albian has published on the relationship between foreign aid and corruption, based on a cross-country analysis.




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Anamika Krishnan

Anamika is a published author in the field of feminist bioethics and human rights, an attorney, a resource person in health law and human rights, and an internationally trained and certified investment negotiator. She worked as a journalist and served as the youngest resource person in India to the State Police Department. Her areas of interest are Reproductive Justice, Health Rights of Indigenous Tribes, Human Rights, and Eco-Feminism. 



Prof. Dr. Bojan Milisavljević

Bojan is full professor of law at the Department of International Law and International Relations at Belgrade University in Serbia. He teaches public int'l law, diplomatic and consular law, European integration, int'l relations, as well as int'l humanitarian law, and has published extensively in these areas of law and IR. More information is available on the website of Belgrade University.




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Dr. Luljeta Plakolli-Kasumi

Luljeta is a lecturer of business and contract law, as well as intellectual property law, at the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina. She is specialized in private law and has over 15 years of professional experience. Her key working experience includes acting Vice Dean of the Law Faculty/UP, Coordinator of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Prishtina, legal advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure and Environment, and legal manager at Deloitte Kosova. She has also worked for 13 years for the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina. Luljeta has been an independent consultant and expert on a number of EU-funded projects, USAID, UNDP, in the field of rule of law, and commercial law. During her career, she has advised a number of local and foreign private companies in the fields of commercial law, financial/banking law, labor law, intellectual property, and related agreements between the Republic of Kosovo and the United States of America. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Law Faculty/UP, an LL.M. Degree in IP law from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and a Ph.D. in private law/contract law & consumer protection. She is fluent in Albanian, English, Turkish, and Serbian languages.


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Dr. Dini Sejko

Dini is a Research Associate at the Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, and teaches Transnatio-nal Legal Issues and Dispute Settlement. His research focuses on int'l economic law and the governance of state-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds. For his research on the impact of UN sanctions on the governance of the Libyan SWF, Dr Sejko received the Society of International Economic Law PEPA Best Paper Award 2018.

Dini is the author of the forthcoming book The Transnational Law of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Governing State Capitalism at the Time of Protectionism under contract with Edward Elgar Publishing, and one of the editors of the book Regulation of State-Controlled Enterprises: an Interdisciplinary and Comparative Examination to be published by Springer. Several publications are available here. Dini is an accredited mediator, Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb) and a Research Affiliate at SovereigNet, The Fletcher School's Network for Sovereign Wealth and Global Capital, Tufts University.

Dini obtained a combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Law from Bocconi University, a Master of Laws in International Economic Law and a PhD in Law from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 


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Dr. Natasha Stamenkovijkj

Natasha received her PhD from Tilburg University in 1987 and works as an independent researcher in European and international law. She writes about the interaction between law and society, as well as the role of institutional decision making in protecting human rights, delivering justice, and invoking good governance. Natasha's book The Right to Know the Truth in Transitional Justice Processes: Perspectives from International Law and European Governance was published by Brill Nijhoff Publishers, also available from Amazon.





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Salma Taman, LL.M.

Salma is an Egyptian attorney and expert on Islamic law. She obtained her initial law degree in 2006 from Alexandria University School of Law in Egypt and added a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in 2009.

Salma has taught courses on Islamic Law, Constitutional Law, Economics, Public and Private International Law, as well as Comparative Law in Egypt, Mexico, and the U.S. and has published several articles in U.S. and international law reviews.

At present, Salma is managing partner of Taman Law Office in Alexandria and also pursuing a Masters degree in philanthropic studies from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

In her free time, Salma has become an accomplished artist and her works are exhibited and collected internationally.

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Kushtrim Tolaj, LL.M.

Kushtrim has 13 years of experience as consultant and legal expert supporting Kosovo reforms in various sectors such as rule of law, commercial law and economic development and healthcare policies through projects funded by USAID, EU, World Bank, Council of Europe, UNDP etc. In the past, he has taught Private International Law, European Union Law, International Trade Law and Legal Framework and Policies at Public University Haxhi Zeka and International Business College in Mitrovica.

Kushtrim completed a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree at the University of Prishtina Faculty of Law with highest distinction in 2009 and received his Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Law from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the United States in 2012. He completed a second Master of Laws degree focused on International Trade Law at the University of Turin in Italy in 2021. In addition, Kushtrim holds a number of academic certificates and educational qualifications from various prestigious international institutions and organizations, including the World University Service in Austria, College of Europe in Belgium etc. He has published articles and research studies on the legal profession, criminal law, the judicial system, and ADR. In addition to his native Albanian, he speaks fluent English, Dutch, and basic German, and Serbo-Croatian.











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