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Kylae is a current Accelerated Law Student earning her LLB at the University of Glasgow. In 2023, she received a double MA in International War Studies from University College Dublin and the University of Potsdam. She earned her BA in Global Studies with a minor in History from Temple University in 2020. Kylae has spent time living, working, and studying in Philadelphia, Rome, Potsdam, Dublin, and Glasgow. She previously worked in the educational non-profit sector and currently serves as an advisor for pro-bono legal advice in Scotland. Kylae’s interests lie in international public law and the intersectionality between war and gender politics. She is looking forward to a future as a lawyer advocating for those who need assistance most.
Kylae Donovan - Editor-in-Chief
The Global Affairs Review has grown out of the joint Masters in Global Affairs program between Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) and the University of Prince Edward Island (Canada). The primary objective of this journal is to provide students, academics, and working professionals with a platform to share their ideas related to pertinent issues in global affairs.

Christian E. Rieck
Assistant Professor for German Foreign and Development Policy at the Chair of War Studies at the University of Potsdam, Germany
Academic Coordinator for its War and Conflict Studies Programs
Professor of Modern Languages at University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
Coordinator of the Master in Global Affairs North America
Lead Faculty Investigator Team WEKIMUN, Chiloé, Chile
Director of the Master in Global Affairs, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III, Spain
Professor of International Public Law and International Relations at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III
Adjunct Professor at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
Director of the Sustainability Program, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III
Professor of Applied Economics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos III, Spain
Doreley C. Coll
Javier Esguevillas-Ruiz
Daniel Gayo
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